
FUNCTION * does not exist

  • Kevin Coonan, MD

    I cannot do a simple query, e.g. SELECT * FROM my_table returns an error message "FUNCTION * does not exist"  Of course the same query runs just fine using SQLyog (w/ WINE), and the preview shows the data in my table, so I am pretty dang sure the connection is just ducky.  My own Java applications get back tons of lovely results with the same connect and syntax.

    What am I missing?

    I am using SQL Explorer 3.5.0 with Java 5, Eclipse 3.2.2, MySQL 5.0.41, and version 5.0.6 of the JDBC driver under SuSE Linux 10.2 (32 bit version).

    • John Spackman

      John Spackman - 2007-10-22

      You're not doing anything wrong - the MySQL JDBC driver is stricter than most in what it allows, and in this case is expecting a stored procedure instead of a select statement; RC3 has this fixed (and should be out sometime today) but unfortunately for the moment there is no workaround.


    • Kevin Coonan, MD

      Thanks.  It is working now. 

      It probably isn't a major issue, but no icon shows up in the perspective choice field in the upper right hand of the desktop. 

    • Kevin Coonan, MD

      I hit Post too quickly.  Just wanted to say that you have done a great job with this. 

      It seems very handy. 

      If you haven't seen SQLyog, you might want to consider some of their features.  One that I particularly liked was the ability to select individual rows in a return set and copy just those selected rows, as well as a pretty robust dialog for formatting the contents placed into the keyboard (e.g. "Fill Excel friendly", "Include column names") and even let you add/remove text and column delimiters on a per selection basis. It looks like you have most of this in the Preferences, just wondering what it would take to add "Copy selected" to the right click menu. 

      Just a thought.


    • John Spackman

      John Spackman - 2007-10-23

      Sure - the exporting could do with some updating and it's on my list for 3.6 :)

      Glad you like it!


    • rahul_j4f

      rahul_j4f - 2007-10-25

      I am using DB: mysql-5.0.45, JDBC Driver: mysql-connector-java-5.1.5 ,XP-Prof,
      SQL Explorer version : sqlexplorer_rcp-3[1].5.0.RC2.

      I am getting the error as "FUNCTION * does not exist" for the Query: "select * from login"

      But the same query is geting execute on MySQL client.

      Is this a FATAL Error in this version.

      If not plz provice me the solution. or the Statble Version of the SQL Explorer.


    • John Spackman

      John Spackman - 2007-10-25

      That's a known bug in RC2 - please use the latest release candidate, RC4.



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