
Exporting data to Excel

  • Hudson_Hawk

    Hudson_Hawk - 2007-09-11


    I'm a newbie with this tool but I managed to get at least the stand-alone working. But when I try to export the data to excel as .csv or .xls, the numeric data is corrupted in different ways. examples:

    17 digit number  leads to this 5,00052E+15, but not allways.
    fields likes this nn,nn lead sometimes to this Feb 61

    and 7 digits number lead to nnnnnnn,0

    In the sqlexplorer itself the data is shown correct. What did I wrong?

    Thanks in advance!

    • John Spackman

      John Spackman - 2007-09-18

      This is actually an Excel issue - because SqlExplorer does not export explicit data type information to Excel it makes  a "best guess" at how to present the data.  When it sees a number with a large number of digits it will convert it to scientific notation.  To solve the problem just format the cells (in Excel) as Numeric!



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