
SQLExplorer RCP query table content error!

  • windshome

    windshome - 2007-09-20

    I have a Oracle9i database, a table with a field as Number(31),when i execute a query to select all from this table,this field display "1111000000000000000" many rows,but the real content in this field is "1111000000000000001","1111000000000000002"...  this error is in SQLExplorer3.0.0 and 3.5beta .is this a bug? please help me!

    • John Spackman

      John Spackman - 2007-09-21

      The bad news is that it's a bug, but the good news is that it should be easy to fix and I've got on my list of things to do for 3.5.0beta2.


    • windshome

      windshome - 2007-09-24

      Thanks.this is a good tool,and i expect this version to use.

    • windshome

      windshome - 2007-10-15

      I get the beta2 version,but when i execute a query  "select * from tablename", it display normal. When I execute a query "select min(sn) from tablename",it display "1111000000000000000",the correct display should be "1111000000000000012".

      I found use the query "select to_char(min(sn)) from table", it display it surrport Number(31) has a problem,or a bug?please help me.

    • windshome

      windshome - 2007-10-15

      the query "select max(sn),to_char(max(sn)) from table" display a result:

      sn                            max(sn)
      1111000000000000130           1111000000000000137

    • windshome

      windshome - 2007-10-15

      can you tell me what error in source code? I can modify it and build the project.So i can get a good sql cliet tool in a short time rather than wait you.

    • John Spackman

      John Spackman - 2007-10-15

      The bug is in getting meta data back from Oracle - SE attempts to be efficient by detecting the precision & scale of a column and getting the appropriate datatype; however, using min() causes Oracle to return a precision & scale of 0, so a Double is used to store the data instead of BigDecimal.  You will find the code in DataSet.loadCellValue; I've fixed and it's checked in and now uses BigDecimal if the precision is invalid.


    • windshome

      windshome - 2007-10-17

      OH,I see your new version 3.5.0 rc1,but i found 2 problems.

      1. can not add jdbc driver at file->preferences->SQLExplorer->JDBC Drivers,click "Add" Button no response.

      2.when i execute a select query from a big table has 15000 show no content.when i give sql explorer 512m heap memory,it show correct content.i increase heap use through a shortcut of the execute file.can i have other way to adjust it?

    • John Spackman

      John Spackman - 2007-10-17

      Both of these are now fixed and the changes are checking in now.



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