
How to use with CFEclipse

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-05-15

    Hi all, i'm completly new to CFE & SQL Explorer. they both work fine but is it possible to run SQL Exp from within the CFE work bench? if so how do i do this, like, what do i click on to make it happen.


  • Heiko Hilbert

    Heiko Hilbert - 2010-05-18

    CFE is a ColdFusion Plugin for Eclipse. Like CFE, SQLExplorer can be installed using it's update site (described below). After
    you have installed SQL Explorer Plugin you have to configuer your JDBC-Driver in the preferences dialoge. After installing you can switch to SQL Explorer by selecting Window / Open Perspective / Other…, choose SQL Explorer.

    Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo)

       1. Select Help > Install new software… menu option.
       2. Type into the Work with box and press Add….
       3. Type SQL Explorer into the Name field and press OK.
       4. Wait while Eclipse says Pending in the main part of the dialogue.
       5. Tick SQL Explorer and press Next.
       6. Press Finish
       7. Wait while Eclipse downloands and installs SE. You should see a progress indicator in the bottom of the window.
       8. After installing Eclipse will prompt you to restart Eclipse, which you should do.

    Eclipse 3.4 and earlier:

       1. Select the Help > Software Updates… menu option.
       2. Select the Available Software tab section the top of the window.
       3. Click the Add Site… Button halfway down the right side of the window.
       4. Enter the SQL Explorer update URL: and press the OK button.
       5. Click the arrow to the left of the URL in your update list.
       6. Click the Install… button in the top right corner of the window.
       7. After Eclipse has calculated the dependencies confirm the items to be installed, read the license agreement, and click accept if you agree and click the finish button.
       8. After Installing Eclipse will prompt you to restart Eclipse.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-05-18

    great thanks. spot on advice. cheers



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