
Connecting problems...

  • Shadows_Fall

    Shadows_Fall - 2007-02-17

    Howdy m8's

    Your sql explorer looks great! And i'm really looking foward to using it, but I can't connect to my db... I have never used a connection string before... I used phpmyadmin, and mysql query browser/ mysql administrator. So could someone please tell me what I need to do to connect? I am running Ms win xp, and my db is off localhost, I have it set to use the mmmysql driver, I think that's the right one...

    • Shadows_Fall

      Shadows_Fall - 2007-02-17

      Oh and i'm getting the error " illegal connection port value '3306>]' "
      which I don't understand, as administrator and query browser connect through 3306?

    • Shadows_Fall

      Shadows_Fall - 2007-02-18

      Ok I have found my problem on your website, I don't have a mysql driver, It says mysql.jar file, but I don't have a mysql.jar So could someone tell me where I can download this file?

      • Wouter Vernaillen

        You can download the JDBC Driver for MySQL from the mysql website:

        You will find the jar file in the root of the archive.

    • Shadows_Fall

      Shadows_Fall - 2007-02-18

      Well I figured it out lol,
      I found a post where someone was having my problem with an oracle db .jar.
      So I went to the site and finally got it working.

      But still thank you for the help!


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