Since we don't have any documentation at this point, just some posts here or in the older host (, I'll write some basic info here.

First you have to configure the jdbc driver you want to use:
1 - On the "Drivers" view select the one you want to configure, or create a new one.
2 - Click on the "Extra classpath" to add the jar with the JDBC driver
3 - Click on "list drivers" to refresh the available drivers classes
4 - Click "OK"

Then you need to create a new "Alias" on the Aliases panel:

1- click on "create new alias"
2- write a name for this connection
3- select the driver you want to use (MySQL in this case)
4- write the jdbc url to connect (this varies from driver to driver, for
MMMySql will be something like jdbc:mysql://<hostname>/<dbname>
5- put the user and password (optional)

Then on the connection windows you can open the Alias you have just created.

Hope this helps