Slacker - 2007-01-14

I've got a brand new setup, nothing unusual, assume defaults across the board:
Windows XP SP2
Java Eclipse 3.2
SQL Explorer 3.0.0
IBM DB2 9.1 Express-C

Had no problems connecting to MySQL 5 through SQL Explorer. Works like a champ.

I can't find a single resource through countless hours of Googling explaining how to connect to DB2 through SQL Explorer.

Using the following (Including class path):


Driver class name:

Connection URL: jdbc:db2://localhost:50000/

This is the error message:
Error adding driver

Just for the heck of it, I tried utilizing the "MySQL" driver format tweaking the database name from MySQL to DB2 like so:


Amazingly, SQL Explorer accepted it. But upon trying to connect, it complained that the URL was invalid.

I also tried using the default Driver class name in SQL Explorer for IBM DB2:
Again, SQL Explorer accepted it but when I try to connect, a "Connection" box pops up with a big red "X" and that's about it.

I'm really confused.

Can anyone help straighten this out for a DB2 Noob?
