
EclipseME / News: Recent posts

EclipseME Version 0.9.2 Released

A new version of EclipseME has just been released. Refer to the installation instructions at EclipseME may be installed and updated via the EclipseME Update site as well as the previous archived site. Point Eclipse at to install via the update site.

Version 0.9.2 is the second beta release in a series of releases leading to an upcoming version 1.0 release. During this beta period, the focus will be on fixing bugs rather than the addition of new features. If you encounter issues with EclipseME, please visit for more information on support options. ... read more

Posted by Craig Setera 2005-05-14

EclipseME Version 0.9.0 Released

A new version of EclipseME has just been released. Refer to the installation instructions at EclipseME may be installed and updated via the EclipseME Update site as well as the previous archived site. Point Eclipse at to install via the update site.

Version 0.9.0 is the first beta release in a series of releases leading to an upcoming version 1.0 release. During this beta period, the focus will be on fixing bugs rather than the addition of new features. If you encounter issues with EclipseME, please visit for more information on support options. ... read more

Posted by Craig Setera 2005-04-03

EclipseME Version 0.7.5 Released

A new version of EclipseME has just been released. Refer to the installation instructions at

Please note that EclipseME may now be installed and updated via the EclipseME Update site as well as the previous archived site. Point Eclipse at to install via the update site.

This new version includes the following changes: ... read more

Posted by Craig Setera 2005-01-29

EclipseME Version 0.7.0 Released

A new version of EclipseME has just been released. Refer to the installation instructions at

Please note that EclipseME may now be installed and updated via the EclipseME Update site as well as the previous archived site. Point Eclipse at to install via the update site.

This new version includes the following changes: ... read more

Posted by Craig Setera 2004-12-19

EclipseME Version 0.6.1 Released

A new version of EclipseME has just been released. This is a bug fix release and contains no feature enhancements. Refer to the installation instructions at This new version includes the following changes:

- Fix for final release of Sun's WTK 2.2 - Remove support for beta releases (Bug 1064231)
- Be more careful when testing for UEI emulators (Bug 1062389)
- Handle preverification errors when a directory with spaces exists (Bug 1060928)
- Added support for system property "eclipseme.log.preverification" to log full preverification errors
- Fixes for Nokia emulation regressions (Bugs 1064573, 1064344 & 1062389)
- Handle reading JAD files with dots in the keys (Bug 1060528)

Posted by Craig Setera 2004-11-15

EclipseME Version 0.6.0 Released

A new version of EclipseME has just been released. Refer to the installation instructions at This new version includes the following changes:

10/07/2004 - Version 0.6.0
- Fixes for Beta 2 of Sun's WTK 2.2 (Bug 1041522)
- Support generic UEI emulators as another toolkit type (RFE 1045348, 1033186, 1030769)
- Export Antenna build.xml file (RFE 953646)
- Fix bug 1056102 in ProfileLibrariesWizard (Bug 1056102)
- Log errors during library preverifications and only attempt once (Partial fix for Bug 1046998)
- Fix Nokia classpath variable update for Nokia toolkits (Bug 1055215)
- Fixes for debugging WTK 2.1 (Bug 1052727)

Posted by Craig Setera 2004-11-08

EclipseME Version 0.5.5 Released

A new version of EclipseME has just been released. Due to the new installation process in this release, please pay particular attention to the readme, installation and migration information. This new version includes the following changes:

10/08/2004 - Version 0.5.5
- Rewritten handling of the Sun and SonyEricsson toolkit implementations based on XML definition
- Dropped support for SonyEricsson 2.0 version
- Added support for SonyEricsson 2.1.3 version
- Add ability to specify a platform definition for a launch configuration (RFE 984148)
- Resources directory is no longer added to paths and packages automatically (RFE 1001717)
- JAR executable improvements and allowing jar to be on the system PATH (Bug 1009206 and 1008230)
- Fix obfuscated packaging when in a directory with spaces (Bug 1013192)
- Be more careful creating jar entries during packaging (Bugs 1018548 and 1026080)
- Add the ability to auto update the version during packaging (RFE 1013901)
- Do a better job of tracking the "dirty" state of the currently built package.
- Allow filtering of JAD property names during packaging (RFE 1030778)
- Add support for Sprint PCS Java Toolkit (RFE 967391)
- Don't show the "Convert to Midlet Suite" menu item when it is already a midlet suite
- Added support for SonyEricsson 2.1.4 version
- Added feature branding so that EclipseME shows up in installed features (RFE 1022055)
- Fix NullPointerException while creating package (Bug 1036840)

Posted by Craig Setera 2004-10-08

EclipseME Version 0.5.0 Released

A new version of EclipseME has just been released. In addition, a first (0.1.0) release of Siemens Emulator support has been released. The Siemens EclipseME feature is only supported and executable on the Windows platform and is currently limited to running midlets.

Due to the significant reorganization in this release, please pay particular attention to the readme, installation and migration information. This new version includes the following changes:... read more

Posted by Craig Setera 2004-08-28

EclipseME Version 0.4.6 Released

A new version of EclipseME has just been released. This new version includes the following changes:

07/27/2004 - Version 0.4.6
NOTE: There is a significant reorganization in progress. This version
is a small interim release with a small number of changes until the
reorganization can be completed.

- Support the new Sun WTK 2.2 Beta (RFE 983465)
- Expand platform definition field in suite creation wizard (Bug 991624)
- Fix problems with creating obfuscated jar files on Linux (Bug 957816)
- Fix errors when launching with a single midlet definition (Bug 984111)... read more

Posted by Craig Setera 2004-07-28

EclipseME Version 0.4.5 Released

A new version of EclipseME has just been released. This new version includes the following changes:

06/19/2004 - Version 0.4.5
- Provide support for Java Project references in midlet suites (Bug 899038)
- Fix bug with J2ME properties on a non-J2ME project
- Update preference initialization for 3.0
- Various changes for 3.0 compliance
- Fix for Nokia problems with newer toolkit (Bug 958789)
- Fix for trouble with the SonyEricsson 2.1.1 beta toolkit (Bug 967162)
- Warn when an attempt to launch without midlets defined in the JAD file (Bug 943588)
- Mark *.jad and .eclipseme files as text files in CVS (RFE 966259)
- Write out JAD file in UTF-8 (Bug 970847)... read more

Posted by Craig Setera 2004-06-19

EclipseME Version 0.4.1 Released

A new version of EclipseME has just been released. This new version includes the following changes:

05/28/2004 - Version 0.4.1
- Fix for classpath container initialization problem (Bugs 960054)

Make sure to read the Readme.txt and documentation for further information on EclipseME usage.

Posted by Craig Setera 2004-05-29

EclipseME Version 0.4.0 Released

A new release of EclipseME has just been released.

This new version includes the following changes:

05/22/2004 - Version 0.4.0
- Preverify and package libraries on the project classpath (Bug 903448)
- Correctly handle situations when the project folder is used as the source folder (Bug 935975)
- Allow a new midlet class from the wizard to be automatically added to the JAD (Bug 940384)
- Provide a warning prompt when obfuscation errors occur. (Bug 950840)
- Provide the ability to specify classes to keep when obfuscating (RFE 951007)
- Provide the ability to convert a Java project into a J2ME Midlet Suite (RFE 953677)
- Fix regression when creating new midlet suite... read more

Posted by Craig Setera 2004-05-23

EclipseME Version 0.3.5 Released

A new release of EclipseME has just been released.

This new version includes the following changes:

04/11/2004 - Version 0.3.5
- Fix preverification error handling (RFE 917774)
- Dump more command-lines when property "eclipseme.dump.launch" is set to "true"
- Fix Nokia on Linux problems (Bug 924571)
NOTE: The changes made for this change the IEmulator interface
- Fix for Eclipse 3.0 M8 (Bug 926759)
- Provide the ability to specify obfuscation parameters (Bug 923788)
- Handle resources in the source directory. (RFE 920971)... read more

Posted by Craig Setera 2004-04-11

EclipseME Version 0.3.0 Released

A new release of EclipseME has just been released.

This new version includes the following changes:

03/21/2004 - Version 0.3.0
- Support for the Nokia J2ME toolkit.
- Support for the SonyEricsson J2ME toolkit.
- Significantly improved robustness of Midlet Suite Platform Definitions.
- Many bugfixes.

Make sure to read the readme.txt and documentation for further information on EclipseME usage.

Posted by Craig Setera 2004-03-22

EclipseME Version 0.2.0 Released

A new release of EclipseME has just been released.

Most important in this release is the support for debugging emulated MIDlets now available in Eclipse 3.0M7. Due to this, Eclipse 3.0M7 or later is now required by EclipseME. In addition, EclipseME should now work properly on Linux.

This new version includes the following changes:

02/14/2004 - Version 0.2.0
- Updates that require Eclipse 3.0M7 or newer. Debugging finally supported.
- Quote classpath in case it has spaces in it. (Fixes bug 875726)
- Fix cut-n-paste text bug. (Fixes bug 886935)
- Fix problem when launching emulator on Linux (Fixes bug 795616)
- Add Package obfuscation support via Proguard (Fixes RFE 890998)... read more

Posted by Craig Setera 2004-02-14

EclipseME Version 0.1.0 Released

A new release of EclipseME has just been released. This new version has the following changes:

01/17/2004 - Version 0.1.0
- Fix JAD storage to use correct format
- Migrate broken JAD file format to correct format during plugin startup
- Fix Midlet Definition parsing for JAD Editor
- Create deployed package support
- Over the air deployment support
- Add launch shortcut for midlet emulation
- Fix WTK library naming for 2.1 final release
- Add preferences for controlling Over the Air support
- Add "eclipseme.dump.launch" System property to dump the emulator launch command line
- Fix various builder buglets... read more

Posted by Craig Setera 2004-01-18

EclipseME Version 0.0.5 Released

A new early release of EclipseME has just been released. This new
version has the following changes:

12/21/2003 - Version 0.0.5
- Add the ability to add and remove Profile definitions
- Add the ability to add and remove platform definitions
- Persistence updated and working for all platform components
- Added wireless toolkit type extension type and moved implementation to extensions
- Add support for Sun Wireless Toolkit 2.1 (currently in beta)
- Handle errors in midlet suite configuration a bit better. Might still need more work.
- Add migration support from version 0.0.3
- Add new preference and support for a resources directory being added to emulator classpath
- Fix preverification builder for null resource deltas... read more

Posted by Craig Setera 2003-12-22

EclipseME Version 0.0.3 Released

A new early release of EclipseME has just been released. This new version has the following changes:

11/16/2003 - Version 0.0.3
- JDK 1.4.x is now required for developing with EclipseME
- New J2ME project properties page.
- Lots of underlying support for Platform Components... Not much UI yet.
- Wireless toolkit definition moved to Platform Components View, no longer in prefs.
- Added real Eclipse documentation.... read more

Posted by Craig Setera 2003-11-17

Help needed for debugging support

Although debugging of emulated midlets is enabled in EclipseME, it does not
currently work. See "Bugzilla Bug 30816 - Cannot debug to breakpoint with
Wireless Toolkit" for more information.

Can you help with this problem?
* Do you have knowledge of JDI/JDWP?
If so, maybe you could contribute a fix to the Eclipse project.
* Do you have access to some version of the Wireless Toolkit sources?
If so, maybe you could contribute a fix to Sun or Eclipse to fix the
emulator crash.
* Do you have any other ideas on how to solve this problem? ... read more

Posted by Craig Setera 2003-09-26

EclipseME Version 0.0.2 Released

A new early release of EclipseME has just been released. This new version has the following changes:

09/26/2003 - Version 0.0.2
- Incremental preverification builder
- Debugging support - Not currently working due to Eclipse bug 30816 (see Readme)
- Launch configuration device selection now based on actual available emulators
for the specified wireless toolkit
- Heavily refactored underlying implementation
- Fix for bug 792407 (as a side-effect of refactoring)... read more

Posted by Craig Setera 2003-09-26