
How to change Driver configuration ?

  • Tristan RENAUD

    Tristan RENAUD - 2004-07-19


    I'm trying to use the JPOX driver with Eclipse 3, on GNU/Linux OS.

    I've added the JPOX driver to Eclipse plugins directory. Then I got the Enhancer informations in the "Window -> Preferences -> JDO ->Drivers" configuration window.
    Some paths are wrong (something like "D:\projects\develop..."), so I'd like to correct this in order to define my Unix path to JPOX and it's required libraries, but I can't because fields are not editable, and there's no buttons to add/edit/delete, as shown in the doc...

    I suppose the doc is not up-to-date and these missings buttons are due to plugin library changes since eclipse V3.0, so how do I change Driver configuration ?

    May I help eclipseJDO plugin developpement ? Where are the sources ? Is there a CVS ?

    Thanks for help :)

    Tristan RENAUD

    • Yves YANG

      Yves YANG - 2004-07-19

      Yes, The documentation is out of date. The path definitions are defined in the plugin.xml of each driver. You need just modify the attribute driverPath before runing Eclipse:

      yves yang


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