
WSAD 5.0 (Eclipse 2.01)?

  • erki

    erki - 2004-04-13


    I wounder if its possibly to install EclipseJDO on my confuguration and later use Jpox.

    • Yves YANG

      Yves YANG - 2004-04-13

      I guess it doesn't. It should work with WSAD 5.1.

      yves yang

    • erki

      erki - 2004-04-13

      Thanks for a fast answer.

      which JDOvendor-solution works with WSAD5.0 and eclipse 2.01??

      anyone who have tried this?

      // erkii

    • erki

      erki - 2004-04-16

      Everything seems to work but I have problem with using the metadata editor. I cant choose "new" and like in the JPOX tutorial change vendor and column id and so on.. Someone who nows?

      I have no clue..

      // erkii

    • Erik Bengtson

      Erik Bengtson - 2004-05-16

      Hi Erik,

      I just checked that I have a working configuration for WSAD 5.1.0 with eclipseJDO 0.9.6 and eclipse emf 1.1.0



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