
Problems on Unix?

  • Geoff Callender

    Geoff Callender - 2004-04-09

    Does EclipseJDO work on Unix/Linux/OS X?  I'm getting the following error under OS X, and it seems others in this forum have reported the same thing with Linux.  Have any Windows users reported the same problem?  I'm using Sun Reference enhancer on a project with TJDO class-level .jdo files.  By the way, I'm not using the TJDO enhancer settings because they look wrong - they don't use com.triactive.jdo.enhance.SunReferenceEnhancer, and the tjdo file path had a drive letter in it (which is no good to a Unix OS).

    !ENTRY com.versant.eclipse.jdo 4 0 Apr 09, 2004 21:33:34.924
    !MESSAGE Enhancement ends withs errors
    Cannot initialize resource locator for classes: resource does not exist or cannot be read: /Users/geocal/Documents/Development/Tipping_Biz/classes/tangible/tipping/*.class resource does not exist or cannot be read: /Users/geocal/Documents/Development/Tipping_Biz/classes/tangible/tipping/*.class
        at com.sun.jdori.enhancer.util.ListResourceLocator.<init>(Unknown Source)
        at com.sun.jdori.enhancer.Main.initClassLocator(Unknown Source)
        at com.sun.jdori.enhancer.Main.createEnhancer(Unknown Source)
        at com.sun.jdori.enhancer.Main.process(Unknown Source)
        at com.sun.jdori.enhancer.Main.main(Unknown Source)

    • Aron

      Aron - 2004-04-22

      I have the same problem on both Linux and Mac OS X.

      It happens in file.canRead() in ListResourceLocator, and probably with a file url "urltoclasses/*.class", maybe this works on Windows, but definitly not on unix alike systems.

      While this is beeing fixed, i use an Ant builder task to enhance. I am trying out JPOX, and they have a predefined EnhancerTask. Just put a building task in the builders for the eclipse project. here is how my build.xml looks

      <project default="enhance" name="jpoxenhancing" basedir=".">
      <property name="project.src" location="src"/>
      <property name="project.classes" location="classes"/>

      <target name="enhance">
          <taskdef name="enhancer" classname="org.jpox.enhance.EnhancerTask">
                  <pathelement location="lib/jpox.jar"/>
                      <pathelement location="lib/jdo.jar"/>
                  <pathelement location="lib/jdori.jar"/>
                  <pathelement location="lib/log4j.jar"/>
                      <pathelement location="${project.classes}"/>

          <enhancer sourcepath="${project.classes}" destination="${project.classes}" dir="${project.classes}" verbose="true" check="false">
              <include name="**/*.jdo"/>

      They have good docs about this on their site

    • Geoff Callender

      Geoff Callender - 2004-09-07

      Has there been any progress on making EclipseJDO work with Unix/Linux/OS X?

      • Yves YANG

        Yves YANG - 2004-09-07

        It works on Linux.

        yves yang

    • Yves YANG

      Yves YANG - 2004-09-21

      Please try the last build Eclipse 1.0.0 for Eclipse

      yves yang


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