
How to prevent changing Eclipse .classpath?

  • Raymond Chan

    Raymond Chan - 2004-11-22

    Dear EclipseJDO developer,

    How to prevent EclipseJDO from automatically adding this:

    <font color="red">
    <classpathentry kind="con" path="com.versant.eclipse.jdo.JDO_CONTAINER/Sun JDO Reference 1.0.1=C@/eclipse3.0/plugins/com.versant.eclipse.jdo_1.0.0/jdo.jar&amp;C@/eclipse3.0/plugins/com.versant.eclipse.jdo_1.0.0/jdori.jar&amp;"/>

    to my Eclipse project?

    Because we are using CVS to version control the source file and everyone's Eclipse home dir may be different. However as seen above in the entry EclipseJDO plugin writes a absolute path reference to jdo.jar and jdori.jar to the .classpath file and when this .classpath file is checked out by another developer it may not be correct. The other developer modify his/her own classpath setting in order to accommodate EclipseJDO but then the .classpath file got checked in as new version to the CVS repository which got downloaded by other developers again causing a repeating problem.

    As we have added the corresponding JDO libraries to the WEB-INF/lib folder we actually don't need this setting in the .classpath file. So I tried to comment that entry out in the .classpath file but again when the EclipseJDO wizard is called (project->properties->JDO Setting->OK) the entry is automatically written to the .classpath file again.

    I tried to comment out an extension in EclipseJDO's plugin.xml file and restarted Eclipse with new configuration but there's no effect (the same phenomenon happens that the entry is generated whenever the EclipseJDO property page is called again):

    <font color=red>

    Please help this is really a nuisance in using EclipseJDO.

    Best Regards,

    • Yves YANG

      Yves YANG - 2004-11-22

      So don't use it.

      yves yang

    • Raymond Chan

      Raymond Chan - 2004-11-22

      Hi Yves,

      I don't understand what you meant by that reply. Perhaps I used the wrong word "nuisance"? I only tried to say it's a problem and despite that EclipseJDO is really great and helps a lot in our project. As you may observe I am not a native English speaker so please excuse me if I wrote anything wrong in the 1st message.

      I only wanted to share the experience and inquire any possible workarounds/solutions/fixes of a problem encountered during usage of EclipseJDO. If there's none or if my questions are not worth answering (perhaps being too stupid or whatever) please just ignore them.

      Thank you very much anyway.

      • Yves YANG

        Yves YANG - 2004-11-22

        We have to modify the classpath when we add new jars in the project to use JDO. It needs more investigation to check it is the problem of EclipseJDO or it is Eclipse's one.

        Thanks for the report
        yves yang


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