Andreas Schenk - 2004-10-06


I mistakenly posted a message with the same Subject under 'open discussions'. Since 'help' seems more appropriate, I repost it here. Sorry!

The homepage says, that TJDO is certified for eclipseJDO. However, I cannot use TJDO with eclipseJDO:

(1) The TJDO-plugin that ships with eclipseJDO is wrong, it is missing some necessary libraries.

(2) The vendor extensions of TJDO are not supported by eclipseJDO. Some of them are necessary. Without them one cannot even build and run die simple example of the TJDO tutorial.

(3) Debugging of the TJDO classes is not supported by eclipseJDO. In order to debug TJDO classes one has to link the sources with the TJDO-libraries. If I try to do that, eclipse refers me to the TJDO-container, that is built by eclipseJDO. This container includes all the TJDO libraries, however, it does not offer any way to link them with the sources.

Of cource, some of the problems can readily be fixed: I can dump the container, add all the necessary libs by hand and link them to the sources. But I guess this is not the intended way of doing things.

The vendor extensions are a different story: I can only edit the *.jdo files 'by hand' i.e. adding the tags in plain text. This however is not possible with the XML editor of eclipseJDO. The eclipse editor for plugin.xml files, on the other hand, allows to add tags by hand and treats them well afterwards. One should implement the same feature in the XML editor of eclipseJDO. Otherwise one has to work hard to always keep in pace with all the supported JDO products. (Well, one can always fall back to any good old plain text editor.....)

It would also help a lot, to get some documentation on the definition of the plugins for the JDO products -- in particluar as the vendor extensions are concerned. In this case other people can help to add the missing pieces. This could multiply the develpment speed by some factor greater than one.
