Ralf Ullrich - 2003-08-19

Hi, dont know if it was a good idea, but i just tried to enhance the Library Ecore Model from the EMF Tutorial.

To recreate go through the first EMF Tutorial and build the Library Model (Library, Book, Writer), generate the code, then create JDO metadata on the implementation classes.

Using TJDO with the Sun Reference enhancer from jdori.jar, it worked fine. With JCredo and the Sun Reference enhancer it worked also fine.

But using JCredo with their enhancer, I got NoClassDefErrors on EMF runtime classes. Those classes where found if I added the EMF jars to the "other jars needed" list of the JDO Settings.

Now is this problem solely on the side of JCredo's enhancer, or is the call to it, from inside EclispeJDO, failing to deliver the right class path? (Because the EMF Jars are already in the projects classpath, and it should not be necessary to add them to the JDO settings.)

Could it be, that different class loaders are used, for the Sun Reference Enhancer (which is included in the plugin and therefore probably loaded through Eclipse's class loaders.) and JCredo Enhancer (which is not included in the plugin, and therefore may be loaded through the default class loader, depending on your code to lookup the class?

Ralf Ullrich