
HLint - only the first line is shown

  • gidyn

    gidyn - 2013-04-21

    Only the first line of HLint messages is show in the problems window and tooltip. Can I get the full text of suggestions (other than by running HLint in a console)?

  • JP Moresmau

    JP Moresmau - 2013-04-21

    Do you have a concrete example, because here it works fine: this is what I see in the problems window:

    Reduce duplication
    let pd = localPkgDescr lbi
    let libs = maybe [] extractFromLib $ library pd
    let exes = map extractFromExe $ executables pd
    let tests = map extractFromTest $ testSuites pd
    Why not:
    Combine with /home/jpmoresmau/Documents/jp-github/eclipsefp/BuildWrapper/src/Language/Haskell/BuildWrapper/Cabal.hs:534:17

  • gidyn

    gidyn - 2013-04-22

    Last edit: gidyn 2013-04-24
  • gidyn

    gidyn - 2013-04-24

    Start a new project, and add
    main = print "1" >> return ()

  • JP Moresmau

    JP Moresmau - 2013-05-07

    OK, will be part of 2.5.3. It will be driven by a preference, so the default behavior won't change, but on the Hlint preference page you'll be able to check the option. In your case after checking the option, when the file is changed and hence reanalysed by hlint I see:

    Use void
    print "1" >> return ()
    Why not:
    void (print "1")


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