
#47 Copy value between locales

Daniel B

When editing values for a Locale, it would be nice if
one could copy the value from another locale. for
instance, I have a "Default" bundle file that is
generated. From this "Default" bundle file, I want
to create "English US", "English Canada" specific
bundle files. I would like to have a feature that
would copy the default value to the US and Canada
bundles. I would then adjust what needs to be
adjusted. Of course, I can do cut/paste, but
a "Copy" button would be nice.

Thank you.


  • Pascal Essiembre

    Logged In: YES

    I may think about incorporating this into the plugin in a
    future release, but in the meantime, you can use the
    cut-n-paste feature of Eclipse from the navigator view to
    copy the whole "default" file, changing its name to have the
    new locale suffix you are looking for. You will have to
    close and reopen the ResourceBundle editor for the new file
    to be picked up, but it still saves you a lot of effort.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I don't think copy all values make sense. Instead, I'd like to have a copy right click menu so that we can copy a value from one local to another.


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