
#119 support integration with m2eclipse


m2eclipse allow to import a maven project into eclipse and configure the equivalent eclipse plugins from maven configuration. m2eclipse defines a simple "Configurator" API for eclipse plugins to access the imported maven configuration.

Please contact m2eclipse devs and collaborate with them to provide a cs-m2 integration.


  • Lars Koedderitzsch

    Moving to feature requests.

    Interested in providing this functionality via patch/contribution?
    Since I am currently hard pressed for free time, doing so will greately enhance the probability of such a feature being added.

  • nicolas de loof

    nicolas de loof - 2008-11-06

    I can contribute the maven side to read the POM.XML configuration, but need help on programmatically setting the checkstyle configuration.

    I've setup a first draft plugin at
    (apache licensed)

    Please let me know what entry point class to look at to create the CheckStyle configuration. Could you also confirm the way I enable the checkstyle nature ?

  • nicolas de loof

    nicolas de loof - 2008-11-13

    I've committed at a draft plugin to support the required conversion from maven configuration to eclipse-cs API. It needs some more testing and has bo support for project reconfiguration, but is still a good base as a proof of concept.

    Please let me know what you think about the way I (based on Peter Hayes code) used eclipse-cs classes to configure the project.

    Please also let me know if you would like to host this plugin and include it in your update site as optional (or experimental?) feature.


  • Lars Koedderitzsch

    Moving to RFE and assinging to yourself ;-)

  • Terence Hill

    Terence Hill - 2013-12-09

    Is there any progress?

  • Lars Koedderitzsch

    Yeah, I guess some cleanup is advisable.

  • Lars Koedderitzsch

    • status: open --> wont-fix
    • Group: --> 6.9.0

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