
#158 HandlePrackFSM doesn't handle multiple reliable provisional

sipservlet (76)

As there can be multiple unacknowledged reliable responses within an INVITE transaction, B2buaInviteFSM has a machine array of HandlePrackFSM. However, HandlePrackFSM does not check that a received response to PRACK matches the PRACK it sent out in the following transitions:

110 transition AWAIT_PRACK_RESPONSE - callee ? PrackSuccessResponse / {

116 transition AWAIT_PRACK_RESPONSE - callee ? PrackErrorResponse / {

These transitions should have guards to check that the CSeq in response matches the CSeq in the PRACK sent earlier on the callee port.


  • Eric

    Eric - 2012-07-02
    • summary: HandlePrackFSM should check RSeq and RAck --> HandlePrackFSM should match response to PRACK sent
  • Eric

    Eric - 2012-07-02
    • summary: HandlePrackFSM should match response to PRACK sent --> HandlePrackFSM should match received response to PRACK sent
  • Eric

    Eric - 2012-07-02

    Actually before the response to PRACK, this machine fragment should also match a received PRACK to the reliable provisional response sent in the following transition:

    101 transition INIT - caller ? Prack / {

    The RAck header in the PRACK should match the RSeq, CSeq and method in the reliable response. See RFC3262 bottom of page 4.

  • Eric

    Eric - 2012-07-02
    • summary: HandlePrackFSM should match received response to PRACK sent --> HandlePrackFSM doesn't handle multiple reliable provisional

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