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File Date Author Commit
 bin 2010-01-09 leobueno [r1]
 conf 2010-01-09 leobueno [r1]
 db 2010-01-09 leobueno [r1]
 doc 2010-01-09 leobueno [r1]
 ebookscript 2010-01-09 leobueno [r1]
 hello 2010-01-09 leobueno [r1]
 hooks 2010-01-09 leobueno [r1]
 locks 2010-01-09 leobueno [r1]
 sampledll 2010-01-09 leobueno [r1]
 sdk 2010-01-09 leobueno [r1]
 void 2010-01-09 leobueno [r1]
 wiki 2010-01-09 leobueno [r1]
 wikiconvert 2010-01-09 leobueno [r1]
 README.txt 2010-01-09 leobueno [r1]
 format 2010-01-09 leobueno [r1]

Read Me


''void'': Leo's Void for hanlin. Planetarium software (Native program using the ebook sdk)

''wikiconvert'': wikipedia xml conversor (Program for pc)

''wiki'': Leo's Wikipedia reader for hanlin (Native program using ebook sdk)

''ebookscript'': USPL script language. Fast development enviroment for hanlin.

''ebookscript\workdir'': Target Directory. Uspl scripts and other data files.

''hello'': the sempiternal hello world sample. The simplest program using the hanlin sdk.

''sampledll'': it's an example of the native interface of uspl. It's a shared library that 
contains several functions. There are functions to solve an generate sudokus. (This functions
was extracted from public sources. Check the source for credits). It's used for de '''sudoku.uspl'''

''sdk'': The sdk for ebook. Use it to develop your own programs in c++. All these projects are
based on this sdk. The sdk has a windows emulator. These programs were developed with microsoft
visual studio.

===USPL script samples:===

The samples of the USPL language are located on ''ebookscript/workdir''. These examples are:

''chess.uspl'' a gnuchess frontend for hanlin. Remember copy the correct gnuchess folder arms is included but gnuchess for pc must be compiled or downloaded (check

''stardict.uspl'' the stardict file conversion. Converts uncompressed dictionaries to dic format.

''dict.uspl'' a dictionary (uses dictionaries converted with stardict.uspl)

''shell.uspl'' a simple shell frontend for hanlin. Feel the LINUX/UNIX on hanlin.

''calculator.uspl'' a basic and scientific calculator for hanlin

''sudoku.uspl'' a sudoku game, generator and solver.

''maps.uspl'' a map viewer for hanlin. Use a converted format of the openstreet maps. It's a good sample of sqlite app.

''hello.uspl'' the simplest example of uspl code.

In windows simulator use the sln file in the ebooksdk/ebookscript folder. For the cross compilation in linux use the
Makefile or the shell script for rebuild project.

The toolchain and V3 SDK provided by jinke must be installed in following jinke instructions.