
Client problems

  • Robert Dale

    Robert Dale - 2000-04-05

    The docs for getting this thing up and running seem non-existant.

    The server seems to run fine.  I just ran javac
    on all the .java files and ran "java EBServ" in that directory.
    I can telnet into it and it acknowledges me.

    I basically did the same thing for the client.  Ran javac on the .java files.  Then I created a jar file with "jar cf EB.jar *.class".
    I essentially copied all the HTML, script, and applet stuff in volkris' working demo.  Oh, before I compiled I edited
    and changed the host and port to my server.  Same goes for the html/script/applet stuff.  However, when I run it, I get : security.Couldn't connect to '' with origin from ''.

    Where is where EBServ is running and is where EBJava is on my website.  It never hits the server.  I played with a few settings, but I couldn't figure anything out.  I'm using Sun's/Blackdown's 1.2.2RC4.  TIA.

    • Robert Dale

      Robert Dale - 2000-04-05

      I also ran it with appletviewer just in case it was netscape screwing up but I get a similar message... access denied ( resolve)

      I'm not sure what that message means, but if 'resolve' means it can't resolve something in java isn't configured right.  I can nslookup and all that good stuff on the machine I'm running the client from/on.

    • Chris Carlin

      Chris Carlin - 2000-04-05

      Read my thread appologising for lack of documentation :) you're right, there is none.

      The problem here is that to avoid security protections built into Java, applets are only allowed to open network connections to the computer from which they are downloaded. You would need to host the applet's webpage on the same computer that the server is running from.

      This is the difficulty in finding an easy place to host the program :)



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