
Using Schema with EasySoap

Liron Dor
  • Liron Dor

    Liron Dor - 2003-10-22

    I would like to you the Schema in my SOAP messages.

    The problem is that in all the objects that are sent the type is included which means that a Schema is not being used.
    For example:
    <m:put xmlns:m="">
            <Fqdn s:type="y:string"></Fqdn>

    How can I make both the client and the server to use a Schema?

    Here is how I add parameters on the client side:
    SOAPParameter1.AddParameter("ListenPort") << 1000;


    • David Crowley

      David Crowley - 2003-10-23

      I'm not sure what you mean.  How does your example relate to the code?  Are you just trying to set the namespace of the method?

    • Liron Dor

      Liron Dor - 2003-10-26

      I apologize for not being clear enough I'll try to rephrase my question.
      My problem is that I would like to use schema in my XML message. As far as I understand this means that when the XML message will be sent from the client the type of the element will not appear in the message. The server that will receive the message will know the type of the element because he reads the Schema and know how the element looks like.

      For example:
      The Schema will look like this:
      <Schema xmlns:xsd .........>
      <SimpleType name="Book" content="textOnly" xsi:type="string">

      The client will be able to send:
      <myLibrary:Library xmlns:myLibrary=x-schema:">
      <myLibrary:Book>The wizard of OZ</Book>

      As you can see in the XML message that was sent the type of the "Book" was not sent. The server that received the message was able to understand the XML message thanks to the Schema.

      Is this possible with EasySoap or did I misunderstand something?


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