
EasyMDD / News: Recent posts

Update-site available !!!

Update-site available !

Address :

To perform in one shot just add Calisto Discovery Site, UML2 and openarchitectureware remote site, then select required and let's generate...

Posted by 2007-05-09

0.9.4 release !!!

This release povides openarchitectureware 4.1.2 adaptation and some improvements.

Posted by 2007-05-09

Installation file available !

You can found short installation directives in Documentation menu. Browse it ! Soon come update-site...

Posted by 2007-03-15

Now EasyMDD 0.9.2 release !!!

The fisrt release of this Eclipse Code Generator, work well, just need some feedbacks and some litle correct before 1.0 release...

EasyMDD is the easiest way to obtain visible result quickly.
The goal of this eclpise plugin is simple : provide an ready-to-run WEB 2.0 CRUD-application from an UML class model.
Based on the openarchitectureware project, it exploit some other Eclipse plugins, all maintened by the fundation, the UML2, the EMF and the GMF projects...
I'll explain, first, the UML model ( *.uml file) could be produce with the Topcased help, Eclipse tools project which provide graphical UML editor. The model must respect the UML2 specification, EasyMDD support yet many of them, like: association, inheritance, polymorphism, interfaces, abstraction ...
Then just one file to configure with your model name before to launch the easyMDD workflow ! This part exploit the powerful of openarchitechtureware generator with all his facilities like recipes, protected regions, code formater...
At this point,if succed, in the generated files target directory stay the CRUD-application, dispatch in three projects, the DOMAIN project, java interpretation of your UML model, the CRUDDAPP project, which provides the Web application with Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete and association manipulation ability about instance of your model objects.
The third, BUILD project contains datasource and ant build files to deploy the application. So, that's the last step before visible result, deployment. The generated sources was builded with the latest java technologies like JSF, AJAX, facelet, EJB3, SEAM... that's why the easiest way to deploy the application must on a JBoss Application Server that embed this technologies. Just add a file with server path and configuration to use into the BUILD project then launch the Ant build.xml, start the server and finally surf through your application. ... read more

Posted by 2007-03-15