Easy Lyric Share

Welcome to Easy Lyric Share, A new open source platform for websites that want to be able to share lyrics, and allow users to upload their own lyrics! Our goal for the project is to have an appealing system that could be used by thousands of websites! The project was just started today and we are currently looking for PHP Devlopers, CSS Devlopers, HTML Devlopers, and Graphic designers. If your interested please post on our forums! Base coding has been started today and we hope to release our first beta soon! Here is what we are working on doing before we release v0.1
Basic Functions-
1. Connect To DB - DONE
2. Create Login System - DONE
3. Create Register System - DONE
4. Page and code to add lyrics to DB
5. Code to display newest lyrics on main page
6. System to search for songs
7. Admin Panel

If you feel that you can help us with any of this or want to assist us on any of the devlopment feel free to contact me at christomax2@hotmail.com

Project Admins: