
EasyH10 version 1.5 released

EasyH10 1.5 is released. Changes since version 1.4 are:
* [common] Added Hebrew support, which arranges artist/album/title/genre names in reversed order. Although the H10 firmware can't display a string in right-to-left language correctly, EasyH10 tries to improve this situation by flipping Hebrew letters in the database. EasyH10 [Win32 GUI] activates this routine automatically when running on the Hebrew locale, but one can disable it by setting LanguageRightToLeft variable to -1 in easyh10.ini. EasyH10 [CUI] uses the routine only when option -b (--bidi) is specified. The flipping routine was written by David Kohen.
* [POSIX CUI] Added automatic detection of a system character-encoding. EasyH10 detects the character encoding of the current system if it's not specified with -e option.
* [POSIX CUI] Options -n, -i, and -c for database construction were removed for simplicity. EasyH10 [CUI] now has two options: -C (database rebuild) and -U (database update).
* [POSIX CUI] Show an error message when EasyH10 cannot initialize the routine for converting multi-byte characters to UCS-2.
* [POSIX CUI] Crash fix for MP3 files without read permission.
* [POSIX CUI] Crash fix for MP3 files with compilation flags enabled but with empty artist names. This fix was submitted by Carsten Pfeiffer (#1539139)
* [POSIX CUI] Bug fix for an incorrect usage of returned codes from iconv.
* [POSIX CUI] Updated the man-page.

Posted by Naoaki Okazaki 2006-10-09

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