
EasyEclipse:Eclipse IDE distros, plugins / News: Recent posts

New 1.3.0 EasyEclipse release, based on Eclipse 3.3/Europa

A little over a week after the official release of Eclipse Europa/3.3, farialima rought us EasyEclipse 1.3.0 based on that new Eclipse crop.

Not all the distro are available yet, but enough to already get a taste for it.
Enjoy it.

Please report any issue... thanks !

Posted by Philippe Ombredanne 2007-07-08

New release of EasyEclipse 1.2.2, based on Eclipse 3.2.2

Finally, we found the time to release EasyEclipse 1.2.2, based on Eclipse 3.2.2. All the distros have been updated, as well as the following plugins: Amateras HTML and XML editor, Amateras IDE, AnyEdit Tools, Color Editor, Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools Designer, Eclipse C and C++ Development Tool, Eclipse Data Tools, Eclipse Graphical Modeling Framework, Eclipse Java Development Tools, Eclipse Modeling Tools, Eclipse Mylar, Plugin Development Environment, Eclipse Platform, Eclipse RCP Delta Packs and launchers, Source code for the Eclipse Platform and Java Development Kit, Eclipse Tools, Eclipse test, performance and monitoring tools, Eclipse Visual Editor, Eclipse Webdav and FTP support, Eclipse Database tools, Eclipse J2EE tools, Eclipse Web tools editors, Eclipse Web Tools, Checkstyle plugin for Eclipse, EclipseME, EclipseNSIS, Orangevolt EclipseXSLT, Eclipse Perl Integration (EPIC), SpellChecker, eZingBuilder, Fat Jar Eclipse plugin, FindBugs plugin, Eclipse JavaCC plugin, Hibernate Tools, JBoss jBPM Process Designer, Maven 2 plugin for Eclipse, OpenOffice Integration Plugin, PyDev, QuantumDB, QuickREx, RadRails, Ruby Development Tools, State of Flow Eclipse Metrics plugin, Subclipse Mylar Integration, Subclipse, Sysdeo Tomcat Launcher (whoa, that was a list!).... read more

Posted by Pierre 2007-06-19

New EasyEclipse IDE (PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Python, Perl)

We have released a new version This a major bug fix for the C/C++, Ruby on Rails, PHP, Python, and LAMP distributions.
The 1.2.1 release introduced two bugs in the built-in Java runtime that those distributions require. Many people reported issues when using non-English languages and non-western European character sets. Linux users may also have experienced weird crashes and other unexplained problems.
Download from

Posted by Philippe Ombredanne 2006-12-12

the new EasyEclipse 1.2.1 is available

The new EasyEclipse 1.2.1 is available for downloads at .
This new version is major upgrade and is our first complete release based on Eclipse Callisto 3.2.1.
All the plugins included run nicely on 3.2, and we went through an extensive round of tests, both automated and manual. Despite we had released some preview back in late July, the quality was not there yet. We hope is it better now!
There are also a few new goodies on the website. You can now add comments for each plugins, distros, and a few pages like the documentation, and the new "Spread the love" page. If you hate or love EasyEclipse, voice it.
Going forward we will not do any more of those big releases, but instead more frequent small releases. For you, that will mean more new plugins, more often. For us, less stress!
Finally, some of the new things we are working on include an update site with a revamped update manager, many new plugins, and more. That includes some serious triage on the bugs and features requests.
Enjoy EasyEclipse, and thanks for the 150000 + downloads we had since the 1.0 release!

Posted by Philippe Ombredanne 2006-11-27

EasyEclipse 1.0.2 Final is there!

Easy Eclipse makes Eclipse & Eclipse plugins easier to install & use. We select & test Eclipse plugin & create installers to deliver complete Eclipse-based IDEs & Eclipse plug-ins for C/C++, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby.

EasyEclipse 1.0.2 Final is there at last... :-P
Compared to 1.0.1, there are very few updated plugins, but many bug fixes and tests and checks.

You will find all the Eclipse distros and plugins with their installers for Java, Python, LAMP, Ruby and PHP.... read more

Posted by Philippe Ombredanne 2006-07-06

EasyEclipse downloads reorg

We are re-organizing the file downloads package and release structure on the Sourceforge site between 2006-6-20 and 2006-6-25, as well as releasing version 1.0.2...
To find the right download, it is easier (well we hope it is always easier ;-) ) to get it from the web site which will direct you to the right place on Sourceforge.
Thank you for your comprehension!

Posted by Philippe Ombredanne 2006-06-23

EasyEclipse 1.0.1 beta available.

EasyEclipse 1.0.1 beta is available for download.
This version delivers packaged installers for Windows, MacOS and Linux for the previous five distributions:
- Expert Java developer, (formerly Starter Java)
- LAMP developer,
- Server Java developer,
- Desktop Java developer,
- Mobile Java developer.
And four new distros:
- Ruby and Rails
- Python
- Plugin warrior

Many plugins have been updated to their latest version, and Subclipse provides Subversion support in most distros. ... read more

Posted by Philippe Ombredanne 2006-05-25

EasyEclipse 1.0 beta available.

EasyEclipse 1.0 beta is available for download.
This version delivers packaged installers for Windows, MacOS and Linux for five distributions:
- Starter Java developer,
- LAMP developer,
- Server Java developer,
- Desktop Java developer,
- Mobile Java developer.
And some good open plugins configured and tested (we hope) to work nicely together.

We are badly looking for feedback in the forums before making 1.0 final...
Thanks for giving it a try!... read more

Posted by Philippe Ombredanne 2006-04-12