
How do I make a donation?

  • Yáng  Guǐzi  洋鬼子

    I would like to donate some money to the EasyEclipse project.  The amount will be small, because I am a student with no income.

    But I haven't been able to find any link on that would allow me to make a donation.  Would someone please send me the URL?  (I am already registered on SourceForge, obviously; otherwise I would not be able to post this message.)


    • Francois Granade

      Hello Yang2Gui3zi

      Thank you for your proposition - we don't really need $$, but if you want to help us get a more recent release out, that could help even more. Would you be interested in helping ?


      • Yáng  Guǐzi  洋鬼子

        Hi, François,

        I don't see how I could help get a more recent release out, for two reasons. 

        First, my programming and technical skills are weak.  You can see this in the other message I posted on this forum:  the one on the topic of "Plug-in for JDK under Mac OS X".

        Second, I'm way overdue on three assignments at university, so I really have to focus my time and energy on schoolwork.  I have a vanishingly small amount of spare time to work on the next release of EasyEclipse.  Perhaps I could eventually help with, say, translating  documentation into Brazilian Portuguese, but I see that nexB has an office in São Paulo, so you probably have no need for translators.

        Com um abraço, desde Nova Zelândia -- agora você sabe quem sou,
        洋鬼子 (Yang2 Gui3zi)


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