David Matuszek - 2008-07-09

Each Fall semester I teach a course in web programming, which I characterize as "broad but shallow"--a little bit of everything. This year I'd like to add a substantial Ruby on Rails component.

Since our labs are maintained by our computer support group, not by me, we all prefer to install as few different software packages as possible. It looks like my needs would be wonderfully met with just two bundles: XAMPP, and EasyEclipse for LAMP. (I hope!--I just found these and haven't had time to explore them.)

HOWEVER, after installing these on my own computer, I see that the version of Eclipse is a bit old--that's okay--and that EasyEclipse contains RadRails 0.8. How old is this? Specifically, what version of Ruby and what version of Rails does this use? (I'd like to use the Patrick Lenz book, "Simply Rails 2," if possible.) I don't see an easy way to get this information.

Thanks in advance for any information/suggestions you can give me.

--Dave Matuszek