
"Configuration error" when installing CDT...

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    hi guys

    i tried installing CDT plugin using the update manager but i get this errors in the process:

    1: Eclipse Visual Editor ( requires plug-in "org.eclipse.pde.core"

    2: JarPlug (0.6.0) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.pde.core"

    3: Eclipse C/C++ Development Tools (1.2.1) requires plug-in "org.apache.xerces"

    can anyone plz help me install it. thanx

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Humm. which distro version of easyeclipse did you use?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      i downloaded the EasyEclipse Desktop Java for windows (easyeclipse-desktop-java-1.0.1). is that the wrong one!

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        It should be fine... we have had a similar problem with the server Java distro... but not with the desktop Java.
        Let me try to reproduce that.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      would i get these sort of errors if i had the "normal" Eclipse installed, not easyEclipse?

      • Philippe Ombredanne

        No the problem is on our side...
        Sorry for that.
        We are writing a small tool to check all the dependencies are properly resolved in the build.
        In the meantime, you can workaround that problem by installing the following plugin first:  

        and by the way, we are also working (slowly) on a C++ distro. Any preferences for a plugin lineup?

    • Philippe Ombredanne

      Here is the workaround I suggest for the short term:
      1/install of the PDE using the installer:

      2/get CDT version 3.0.2 from the following update site:

      Note that I have entered a bug for that problem:

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      thank you . btw how long before we see a new/updated version of easyeclipse perhaps with a less fragile and smarter update feature :)?

      • Philippe Ombredanne

        We are working on two things right now:
        - a version based on Eclipse 3.2 and Callisto
        - an update to version 1.0.1, which will correct the glitch you have experienced (Francois is also working on a checking utility to make sure that we catch those issues before release)

        About the update manager, we are working hard on that one too to, to have a better UI, and then provide updates through updte sites

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        And some early early source code for a revamped update manager UI may show in CVS sometimes in July :-P

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      thanx for the efforts guys much appreciated


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