
UML Diagrams for Eclipse

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I see this project for UML diagrams for eclipse :

    I try to install but i can't get work in eclipse.

    I think is good idea to include an UML visual tool into EasyEclipse.

    • Philippe Ombredanne

      UML2 at eclipse is everything expect a visual UML modeler. Instead it is just a framework. There is a barebone UML editor sample available there: (be carefull of installing all the dependencies)

      And could you enter a feature request here asking for support for UML?

      Which would be you favored UML plugin?


      • Meila

        Meila - 2007-12-23

        I start to use omondo, seems to be a nice tool.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      >There is a barebone UML editor sample available there:

      I try it , but i can't make Visual UML Designs.

      >Which would be you favored UML plugin?

      I haven't try Eclipse.

      I used to use Visio : , for UML design tool.

      But now i want to swicth to Java and Eclipse for IDE , for this i want an Eclipse UML plugin , like Visio to make the UML Diagrams.

    • Philippe Ombredanne

      Some of the candiadtes we consider (but have not yet shipped) include umlet, amateras UML and topcased.

      Can you tell me which one you find best? And why?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I try TOPCASED and it is the best replacement for Visio.

      It makes UML diagrams easy to create and it seems very powerful.

      It has a lot of features and it seems the most tested plungins of the three.

      I also see that topcased has a new release every 2 months and also has a lot of partnerships.

    • Chaz Beck

      Chaz Beck - 2008-02-07

      I vote for Omondo, but I can't install it I get the message:
      Current configuration contains errors that are not corrected by the requested operation and more errors would be introduced. See details for more information.
        ----- Current configuration problems -----
          Eclipse Web tools editors (2.0.1) requires plug-in "system.bundle".
        ----- Configuration problems after the operation -----
          EclipseUML 2007 Europa Free Edition for Eclipse 3.3 (3.3.0.v20071210) does not have a valid license agreement.
          Eclipse Web tools editors (2.0.1) requires plug-in "system.bundle".

      I have WPT installed and also J2EE from the EasyEclipse plugin directory.

      But I do agree there needs to be UML editing in EasyEclipse.

      Also not that I am using Vista x32 and EasyEclipse 1.3.1 (also C/C++ tools installed)


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