
Error when trying to install a new plugin

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hello all,
      After a fresh installation, when I try to install a new plugin by pressing the help->SW updates->find and install, I get this error:
    Error creating feature "file:/c:/Programme/EasyEclipse/features/org.nexb.easyeclipse.eclipsetidy_1.2.2/". [Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence.]


    And no installation is possible.
    Any idea ?
    Thank you !

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Elad this is a know bug, see

      You can just ignore it for now.
      Just press OK on the error dialog and that shoudl work fine.
      It does not preclude anything to work normally.

      If it does bother you in the short term, you can fix it quickly by opening with a text editor the following file:
      <EasyEclipse installation>/features/org.nexb.easyeclipse.eclipsetidy_1.2.2/feature.xml

      In that file replace that statement:
      Copyright © 1998-2000 World Wide Web Consortium
      Copyright (c) 1998-2000 World Wide Web Consortium

      The issue is the copyright sign which is not recognized properly.

      Once you are done you must start eclipse from the command line with a "-clean" flag, like that:
      eclipse -clean.

      This problem has been corrected for the next release.
      Sorry for the inconvenience.

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Thank you nobody :)
        It solved the problem.
        I will look in the tracker system next time...


        • Philippe Ombredanne

          Glad it helps...
          I agree this *is* annoying.
          But hey, that's the reason of a beta, to be able to adress those few quircks heer and there!

    • Francois Granade

      we've entered it as a bug, will be fixed in the next release (1.0.1, hopefully this week). Thank you for reporting it !


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