
Installation Fails on mac on some cases

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    First, thanks for a great work - at last I got myself to try Eclipse, it has been a project for over a year. :)

    Then to to the problem:

    Took a little while to figure out from non-informative error message "Try installing again", but apparently your OS X installation packages (at least LAMP and PHP versions) just fail silently instead of asking for admin password if current user isn't allowed to write in "Applications" folder - or at least explaining what's the problem. As "Applications" folder is quite often protected this way on mac, this is a problem.

    Tech: Ibook G4, OS X 10.4.6

    • Philippe Ombredanne

      Thanks for the kudos!
      To mkae sure I understand:
      you were logged in with a non-admin user whne doing the install?
      Or can explain a bit your setup, so I can test it?
      Is that the first time you had such a problem with a Mac installer? Or does it happen also with other installers trying to write to Applications?

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        I also ran into this problem.  I was trying to install "EasyEclipse Expert Java" as a non-administrator.  The system never prompted me for my admin user ID and password.  Giving myself admin privileges also did not solve the problem.  I had to  log in as the admin, and then install it.  Problem solved!

        • Philippe Ombredanne

          I wonder what's wrong with that as the installer code we use is quite plain out of the box call to Apple standard package utils. There is absolutely nothing funky done by the installer, and for the distros we are thinking about making it possibly just a drag and drop app install.
          I shall confess that I am always logged with an admin account so I was never asked for a password for an EasyEclipse install :-\

          I think that this warrant a serious bug.
          I did enter one:

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      First time for this kind of installing problem, installers otherwise *always* just ask for the password when putting something to Applications.

      My Applications folder has following settings (haven't touched these myself, they are from factory):
      drwxr-xr-x   62 root     admin        Applications
      Thus whenever something is drag&dropped to Applications-folder in GUI the authentication is required, in terminal respectively sudoing.

      If the settings were made by me this wouldn't be such a big problem, but because the OS comes set this way from factory and the error message is quite uninformative, some people will propably fail installing altogether.

      • Philippe Ombredanne

        Hummm.. I'll ask Francois to try it on his Mac.
        You are logged in as a non admin user, correct?


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