
Simply amazed.

  • jonkushner

    jonkushner - 2006-06-07

    This is nothing more than a big standing ovation to the people over at genB. I have been working with eclipse for nearly three years and have never been as delighted with an IDE such as this one (Eclipse in general). Being a member of the University of Florida, eclipse is a big deal around here. In any case, as I was saying... Ive encountered all my shares of issues (JSP,myeclipse,phpeclipse,gdb/c++) and have sorted through them the best I could (when I say me, I mean google). I think your project is the most logical, well-designed idea Ive come across in awhile (Sorry, that is ofcourse next to Callisto).  Its so enlightening to see how much support is put into this IDE.

    Thank you guys for such a novel piece of the eclipse foundation.


    Jonathan Kushner

    • jonkushner

      jonkushner - 2006-06-07

      I apologize its not `genB` but nexB. I actually have a questin though about the stability of these plugins with the newest build of 3.2? I just recently downloaded it and am sad that I ran into your project after looking at such a nice interface. Are the plugins safe?

      • Philippe Ombredanne

        Thanks for the kudos!
        We are working hard on the next release. It will be based on Eclipse 3.2.
        It should be reasonably safe to install individual plugins on 3.2, but some may have issues, as they have 3.1 dependencies in their current released versions.

        If you get some plugins to work fine on 3.2, could you report it here or in the mailing list?
        That would help us a lot with the testing :-P

        • jonkushner

          jonkushner - 2006-06-07

          Sure thing.. I will say this though. After three years of eclipse experience, I come to find out they actually do have prepackaged versions of it. so ofcourse, I had to check out te others. I like the yokows? system, but it crashed several times on me and forced me to reinstall 3.2. one up for open source! anyways, i will definitely get back to you on that.

    • jonkushner

      jonkushner - 2006-06-07

      Just to be informative, Im recreating the environment with 3.2 and Im going to be doing the entire Callisto update previous to any other installations.

      Any special requests?

      • Philippe Ombredanne

        Humm, if you could test all the plugins we have on the plugin page :-P that would be great!
        But more realistically, testing a few good ones you like would be great!


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