françois - 2010-01-13


Is it possible to set the ssh port to something else than 22 in EasyEclipse (
I tried changing /etc/sshd_config on my server, /etc/ssh_config on my host with no luck.
When changing the port I can ssh my server in a terminal session.
EasyEclipse gives an error message in the console stating port 22 is not accessible when committing (of course) and crashes if I go in Preferences > SVN.

If I go back to port 22 it works fine (even going to Preferences>SVN).

I tried to relocate an svn location: I don't need to change the path and nowhere to enter a port setting, no information of port modification in the relocate window either.
Do I need to remove the svn repositories in EasyEclipse and re-create them when the server is set on another port?
What about this message in the relocate window: "An improperly used Relocate command may corrupt your working copy! "?
