
"Configuration errors" installing Mylar

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    I get the following error (preventing me from installation) when trying to install Mylar plugin ( with EasyEclipse Server 1.0 -- anybody seen this?

    Current configuration contains errors that are not corrected by the requested operation and more errors would be introduced. See details for more information.
      ----- Current configuration problems -----
        Hibernate Tools (3.1.0.beta4a) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.pde.core".
        Eclipse J2EE Tools (1.0.1) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.wst.rdb.connection.ui".
      ----- Configuration problems after the operation -----
        Hibernate Tools (3.1.0.beta4a) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.pde.core".
        Eclipse J2EE Tools (1.0.1) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.wst.rdb.connection.ui".
        Mylar Task List (Required) (0.5.0) requires feature "org.eclipse.platform (3.1.0)", or equivalent.
        Mylar Focused UI (Recommended) (0.5.0) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.pde.junit.runtime".

    • Francois Granade

      Thanks for reporting this. Looks like there are several missing dependencies. To fix them, you can simply install:
      - the PDE from
      - the DB tools from

      You will still have an error with "Mylar Task List (Required) (0.5.0) requires feature "org.eclipse.platform (3.1.0)", or equivalent. " but that won't prevent anything to work (EasyEclipse includes the Eclipse platform, just not packaged with the same feature name).

      Now, most of the problem you reported are actually bugs on our side - I'm entering them (1493734 and

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi Francois,

      Thanks for you quick response!

      I followed your advice. I had the error you mentioned while using Eclipse's Update mechnism and could not install Mylar because of that. However when I downloaded ziped Mylar update site and manually copied content of plugins and features directories everything seems to work all right :-)

      Thanks a lot,

    • Francois Granade

      I'm happy it worked for you. But unfortunately, I still think that you just hit a limitation of our stuff (you could even call it a bug :-): if a third-party plugin requires a feature from, then the only way to install the third-party plugin is to drop all the plugins manually. You could say it's a bug in the update manager too. Anyway I'll report the bug, and we'll try to fix it.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I will post a bug to Mylar... In general feature level dependecies are not a very cool thing (I know Eclipse web tools use them too) as it forbids any repackaging.
      Plugin level deps are better.
      Feature level dependencies are bit like a framework class that you must extend, which would robs you from your only possibility to subclass in Java. In saome case it cannot be avoided, but most it is not cool ;-)


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