
"Current Configuration Contains Errors"

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I have just installed EasyEclipse for PHP 1.02 on Win2K, and when I try to do anything in the 'Product Configuration' panel, such as scan for updates, I get the following message:

    "The current configuration contains errors and this operation can have unpredictable results.  Do you want to continue?"

    The options are OK (which I've not clicked - I don't want unpredictable results!) or Cancel, and no further information is given.

    What is wrong with my configuration?  It is a fresh install, with just a few tweaks through the 'preferences' panel (nothing done behind the scenes).

    - Mark

    • Philippe Ombredanne

      We have had a few bugs like that in that release and we have addresed them all in the upcomming 1.0.3 and 1.2.1
      In your case, let me dig a bit and come out with a simple workaround for you.

      • HappyDog

        HappyDog - 2006-10-05

        Cheers.  That would be useful.

    • Philippe Ombredanne

      I do not have any of those problems....
      Could send me your platform.xml file?
      You will it in:
      <your easyeclipse instal>/\configuration\org.eclipse.update/platform.xml

      You can attach it to a support request.

      And opening a command prompt and cd to the place where eclipse is installed, and executing the command:
      dir /s /b > dir.txt
      then attaching the created dir.txt file.
      I would need both to be able to help.

      I think that you must have installed something else that creates that problem.

    • Philippe Ombredanne

      Thanks I did respond there... I would need a few more configuration files/logs from you


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