
Easy CNC

  • harfharf

    harfharf - 2015-05-17

    Hello Giurlanda,

    I would like to begin by thanking you for your work. I am a Sylvain Coste
    French teacher. I work on a plotter with an Arduino Mega and a shield 1.4. ECNC
    is perfect for my project, you did a really great job.

    I give you my feedback which will help advance:

    • Impossible to check only plotter

    define _PLOTTER_SERVO

    // #define _MILLING_MACHINE
    // #define _LASER
    I have a code error // 'tool' was Not Declared in this scope //
    easy_CNC.h -> Gcode gc (& cncrt, and tool);

    • ECNC Linux and Windows Configuration Wizard does not work for me.

    • With easy_CNC_Controller_v0.2 I can well control the X and Y (the Z with
      2x nema) But not to replace Nema Z (Y on the shield 1.4) by servos. Yet I
      create a bridge to fuel the shield in 5v.

    It is always difficult to seek a solution. you have already done a great
    job here. I do not have the capacity to help you I am a graphic designer.

    I remain at your disposal for any further information.

    Thanks again!

    • Hawk

      Hawk - 2015-05-19

      Hi Sylvain,
      thank you for your feedback. I'll be happy to provide my know how to help you.
      To be honest, _PLOTTER_SERVO was inherited from my first CNC implementation that was a x/y machine with a servo motor to move up and down a pen. When I built up my second CNC machine, I neglected it because the machine was a x/y/z CNC so I moved the pen along the z axis with a NEMA motor.

      Please, can you give me more details about your machine setup? (hardware, electronic, axes configuration and so on) I'll try to provide you more detailed instructions.

      Can you give me also more details about the wizard error? What does it depend on? (dll missing or other problems).

      Thank you again.

    • Denis

      Denis - 2015-11-15

      I have problem. Do you help me please.

  • harfharf

    harfharf - 2015-05-25

    Hi Francesco,

    Thank you for your very quick reply and sorry for taking too long to do so.
    After your update, the wizard launches successfully.

    Here is my setup to make a CNC to control a pencil:
    X axis on a nema 17
    Y axis on two nema 17
    Z axis on a standard servo motor

    I currently work on:
    - An Arduino Mega 2560 original map
    - Ramps Shield 1.4
    - 2 Stepsticks
    - 2 endstop

    I created a jumper to supply 5v to the Ramps shield and thus connect the servo motor on one of the 4 slots

    Thank you again
    Have a nice day.


    • Hawk

      Hawk - 2015-05-26

      Hi Sylvain,

      I updated a new version of the firmware v0.2.1, where I fixed the problems with servo plotter module. I made few tests but it seemed to work.

      If I understood, you are using a configuration like in the photo here. If it is so, you have to specify in the eCNC Wizard the servo plotter utensil with pin number 11. For the min and max values, you will do some attempts according the pen position of your plotter (remember that the min/max positions of the servo are in degrees from 0 to 180).

      An important note, even if I made the eCNC wizard able to choose the number of axes, it will be a feature of the next firmware v0.3. It means that mandatory you have to specify three axes but, in your case, you will use only two (XY). Set the Z in a empty slot of the RAMPS, but you have to specify all parameters.

      Let me know if the new firmware work fine.
      Have a nice day.


  • harfharf

    harfharf - 2015-05-30

    Hi Francesco

    Thank you a lot

    I will test all that to make you a report.
    See you soon

    Thank you again

  • harfharf

    harfharf - 2015-06-01

    Hi Francesco

    I tested the 0.2.1 firmware, I have no more error message with the eCNC Wizard.
    But when I use easy_CNC_Controller, the servo (Z) does not move. There are 5v and when connected it is well positioned at 0.

    I'm sorry. :-(
    Thank you again.

    • Hawk

      Hawk - 2015-06-08

      Hi Sylvain,
      how do you test the servo?
      You try to send these two commands from the Control GUI:

      M5 : to move the pen up
      M3 : to move the pen down

      Let me know

  • harfharf

    harfharf - 2015-06-10

    Hi Francesco
    It's works fine with M3 and M5

  • Denis

    Denis - 2015-11-15

    I have problem. Do you help me please?


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