
earn / News: Recent posts

Sat Apr 6 05:13:38 CEST 2002

0.2.1 : - Now it prints the date thanks to hell0x0
- Now you can insert your name and surname (me)
- Now you can insert your currency char (me)
- Now you can insert your currency -----> euro change (me)
- Now you can choose if you want the change in euro currency thanks to {DANGER}
- Now it understands that if your currency is euro you don't need to change it in euro currency thanks to {DANGER}

Posted by Xevil 2002-04-06

Thu Mar 28 22:59:14 CET 2002

0.2 : - NOW IT PRINTS TO FILE!!!! Major bugfixes and a more clean code thanks to {DANGER}.
- Added an uninstall engine (me)

Posted by Xevil 2002-03-29

Thu Mar 28 16:35:33 CET 2002

so it's the first release, help wanted!!!!!

Posted by Xevil 2002-03-28