
Euphoric Ataxia Project / News: Recent posts

Anyone... anyone...

If anyone is still interested in making an engine, let me know =)

Posted by J. Matthew Jacobson 2002-06-15

Yet Another engine redesign, new developers - oh happy day!

Well, after a lot of discussion and downtime in the project, we decided that it was time for Yet Another engine redesign, and this time, we are doing it again from the ground up, probably throwing out the entire existing code base in the process.

But, Never Fear(C)! Because, thanks to a little inspiration from a couple friend over at the ExB Java IRC bot (, we've decided to basically change the way EEAP is going to <b>work</b> as well - fully modularized, not at all set in one type (text, 2-d, 3-d) of gameplay or one genere, multiple worlds in one server...oh boy, I'm so excited I could just...well, I'll save that for the privacy of my own home. But be assured, some REALLY great things are to come!... read more

Posted by Ryan Joseph 2002-02-20

More Important News - Please Read

Well, we are finally getting the project back up and running, so here are a couple things you might want to know.

First of all, I am planning on maintaining a repository of API documentation for the project, all in "javadoc" format (which is an awesome program, btw). It is now and always will be availble at, and I will try to keep it as current as possible.... read more

Posted by Ryan Joseph 2002-01-02

CVS Update - Important, Please Read

No longer is the "net" directory in CVS the current working directory for the project - from now on, please use ONLY the "eapms" module in CVS, as the "net" module is still there only for archival purposes (and I don't know how to delete it :). Again, please no longer use the "net" CVS module for anything. Thanks.

Posted by Ryan Joseph 2002-01-02


I'm updating this site as much as possible, I'm looking forward to getting this project up and going smoothly again.

Posted by J. Matthew Jacobson 2002-01-02

CVS Finally Up!

After quite a lot of fiddling (and not to mention a few large mistakes *cough* mainly on my *cough* part), we have the CVS repository up and running! Take a look at the code, download it, do whatever!

You'll notice that the directory structure is wierd. It is net/sf/eaproject/*, with all the other subdirectories where the actual code is stored. This is because, using standard java convention, all of our java files are part of the net.sf.eaproject package. Make sure this directory structure is maintained in you CLASSPATH if you wish to compile. Thanks!... read more

Posted by Ryan Joseph 2001-07-31

Basic Engine Being Built

The Euphoric Ataxia Team is currently working on the basics of the engine. We hope to have some results to show for it soon!

Posted by J. Matthew Jacobson 2001-07-18