
e-volve mail client / News: Recent posts

mail Vault - your Definitive Data Protection Partner

Based on evolve engine is the pre alpha of mail Vault. Which enables users to store files in the web mail space sercurely.

Posted by 258 2005-03-12

Project will Stop right here!!!

Sorry to say friends, since the team is engaged in other education related work - the project team has decided to bring the project to a Halt. The user documentation and other product manuals will be published for download if we find time.

Also we are pleased to intimate that this project received the Top rank in the Course and all the project team got A grades for their course on "Software Engineering".... read more

Posted by 258 2005-01-08

Evolve Mail Client v1.0 released!!!

Wish you a Happy new year 2005 guyz,

I'm pleased to inform you guyz that Evolve Mail Client development is complete and version 1.0 is released.

Posted by 258 2005-01-07

Presentation Two Available for Download

This presentation is for developers and users to make the project clear. This package has SRS (software Requirements Specification), Vision Document and Requirements management Plan.

Posted by 258 2004-10-11

Presentation Two Prepared

The Presentation Zero is prepared and will be uploaded soon.

Posted by 258 2004-10-11

E-volve Internal mail list for developers

This mail list is mainly for developers for development related queries and development support.

Gkalyan is Moderating this Mail list and is accessible from

Posted by karthik 2004-10-03

E-volve Support Mail List Up

E-volve Support mail list is up. I would like to thank for their support.

Subscribe to E-Volve-Support Mail List at

Posted by 258 2004-10-03

Project Prototype 1 Ready

Prototype 1 completed and will be released soon.

Posted by 258 2004-10-02

Presentation One available for Download

Available as ppt together with project plan.

Posted by 258 2004-10-02

Presentation One Prepared

Presentation One for E-Volve is ready and will soon be available for download.

Posted by 258 2004-10-02

Categorization Algorithm source uploaded

The project's distinquishing feature - the categorization algorithm test source is available for public testing.

Users can download, test and modify the algorithm to suit their needs.

Should anyone come-up with a better improvement of the statistical algorithm, please do intimate us for analysis and implementation with the project.

Posted by 258 2004-09-28

Future of E-volve's categorization Algorithm

The Team Orion* is working with a new categorizing algorithm that uses heuristics based approach for mail organization.

The features required by this algorithm are as follows:
1] Extract key features from the e-mail subject and body.
2] Use the statistical algorithm to produce an initial category and compare with the extracted features.
3] Based on dynamic ranking of different categories, suggest some efficient ways to organize folders.... read more

Posted by 258 2004-09-28

Categorization Algorithm being developed by team

The team has come-up with a statistical categorization algorithm. The algorithm as of now will take to and from address as input and will come-up with a suggestive categories where a mail can go to. At present the algorithm is capable of suggesting two levels of folders based on the statistics of mails from/to an user e-mail or from/to a domain.

It uses four levels of comparision and will come-up with a suggestion.... read more

Posted by 258 2004-09-28

GUI Support for email accounts and rules

We have added GUI support for managing email accounts and user defined rules.

Posted by M.R. Venkatesh Babu 2004-09-26

Get Development Tools for this project Free

Get the following Tools that are needed for this project development.

.net Framework Beta1: 2005 Express Beta: 2005 Express Beta:

Install and enjoy Evolving.

Posted by 258 2004-09-26

POP3 class implemented

The class to handle POP3 mail receiving has been completed. Will be available for download shortly

Posted by 258 2004-09-23

SMTP class implemented

The class to handle SMTP mail sending has been completed. Will be available for download shortly

Posted by 258 2004-09-23

Project Base GUI binaries and Sources

Base GUI binaries and source released in 2005.

Posted by M.R. Venkatesh Babu 2004-09-21

RFCs on SMTP and POP3 protocol uploaded

Good reference materials to start with, these RFCs gives a clear idea of how these protocols make e-mail work.

Needed for developers of this project.

Posted by 258 2004-09-21

New Mail Message UI is getting Ready

The basic Main Windows UI got finished and the UI for New mail message is getting ready.

Posted by 258 2004-09-21

Team has come-up with a Basic GUI design

The prototype GUI is under preperation and will soon available for public for preview and comment.

Posted by 258 2004-09-17

Use Visual 2005 for development

The team has decided to use Microsoft 2005 for development and implementation. So its adviced to the developers and testers to use Express Edition for this project development.

Posted by 258 2004-09-17

Development of GUI and base prototype begun

The Base GUI and Base prototype are being programmed in Visual 2005

Posted by 258 2004-09-16

Project Management Plan released

the project management plan is released with the Presentation Zero and s available for download.

Posted by 258 2004-09-14

Preparing Project Management Plan

The project management plan with milestones and deliverables is being prepared

Posted by 258 2004-09-14