
#87 errors are erroneous and erratic

Core (65)

First reported in forum on 2004.05.27 by me (http:
then reported by Remco Douma on 2004.08.13 (https:

Summary: I am consistently getting erroneous errors,
whether Unix or Windows line endings are used. First with
eclipse 2.1.3 (and epic 0.2.0), I then upgraded to eclipse
3.0 (and epic 0.3.0) and still get bogus (but different!)
errors. Also, trying the same project on different
computers (from the same eclipse .metadata) yields
different bogus errors. Finally, I'll mention for
completeness that my Java code runs flawlessly in
eclipse--no bogus errors. Any chance this is a memory
problem? I run only a 256MB machine.

Having seen no further posting since the request for
sample files a week or so ago, I took another look at the
issue. I closed all projects except my Perl one, and still
had lots of erroneous errors. I closed that project and
created a new test project. With just one file in
it--attached--the problems are still present. My system
shows 3 errors--all erroneous. If I then delete the large
comment block near the top of the file, they all go away.
(Depending on which pieces you delete, different things


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  • Michael Sorens

    Michael Sorens - 2004-08-25

    shows erroneous errors

  • Jochen Ruehl

    Jochen Ruehl - 2004-08-26

    Logged In: YES

    Tried to reproduce the error with your test file.
    I Had to comment the following line because I'm missing the

    use Date::Calc qw(Decode_Date_EU);
    use Data::Diagnostic;
    use My::UndefinedPackage;

    After that no errors were reported.

    My environment:
    Debian Linux (Sid), j2sdk1.4.2_04, Eclipse 3.0 (GTK), EPIC 0.3.6
    AMD Duron 1.2 GHz, 512 MB RAM

  • Jochen Ruehl

    Jochen Ruehl - 2004-08-26
    • assigned_to: nobody --> luelljoc
  • Michael Sorens

    Michael Sorens - 2004-08-26

    Logged In: YES

    Your response is ambiguous--you indicated you tried to
    reproduce the problem but you did not say whether you were
    successful at it. (I'm hoping you were since the status is still

    Note that My::UndefinedPackage is a non-existent module;
    hence, I do not have that either. I tried what you
    did--removing the three "use" lines, and errors went away. I
    also tried just commenting them out. The first time, I was still
    left with one bogus error; the second time, then I had no
    errors (i.e. the behavior is not always manifested consistently)

  • Jochen Ruehl

    Jochen Ruehl - 2004-08-27

    Logged In: YES

    Maybe my last message was not clear enough.
    I could NOT reproduce the error.

    You could try to run your script within Eclipse and check the
    console output, maybe we get more detailed messages there.

    Not being able to reproduce a bug does not mean that I close it
    immediately. There is obviously a problem, so I'll try to fix it even if
    it might take a little bit longer.

  • Michael Sorens

    Michael Sorens - 2004-08-28

    Logged In: YES

    I have tried to pull out a single file or two from my code library
    that would allow you to reproduce the problem, but every time
    I try to whittle it down, it disappears.. What I can offer is my
    entire Perl library (only a couple dozen files), available on my
    website at http://cleancode.sourceforge.
    net/wwwdoc/download.html. (Note that there are some "use"
    statements referring to 3rd party modules that you would still
    need to get from CPAN if you do not already have them.) Hope
    that helps...

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I have the same problem, it seems that "use CGI;" raise the
    problem. I have it from Macintosh and PC.

    I haven't find any documentation that explain how syntax
    check is done.

  • LeO

    LeO - 2004-10-01

    Logged In: YES

    Hm' seems like there is Package missing - IF I look in the
    Debugger, it says

    Can't locate Math/ in @INC (@INC contains:
    C:/Perl/lib C:/Perl/site/lib) at C:/Perl/lib/Data/
    line 108.

    And that's not in your package-list!!!

  • LeO

    LeO - 2004-10-01

    Logged In: YES

    Additional comment: Could you open your Error Packages and
    try to execute them. I guess you get at each of them an Error
    due to missing other Packages.

    If we get no confirmation, we'll close this ticket.

  • Michael Sorens

    Michael Sorens - 2004-10-03

    Logged In: YES

    I do not have any missing packages in my environment. I
    apologize that what I suggested as a test case has some
    unstated dependencies--any such missing packages you might
    see are packages that I have installed from CPAN. There is
    probably a simpler test case to use, but I'm not sure how to
    isolate one.

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