
#84 Source -> Format throws error if Perl is at UNC path

Editor (234)
Leo Sager

Using Eclipse 3.0 final version, and Eclipse plugin 0.3.0.
Windows XP platform.

If I define perl to be located at the UNC path
\\server\share\path\to\perl\bin\perl, then when I do
Source -> Format I get a windows pop up box that says

The application or DLL
UNC\server\share\path\to\perl\site\lib\auto\HTML\Parser\ Parser.dll is not a valid window image. Check your
installation diskettes.

After I click OK, then it does seem to format OK.

If I change perl to be defined to a perl that is local to
my system, then no errors come from Source -> Format.

Any ideas?
Could it be the UNC version of Perl is corrupt?
I am not exporting to HTML, so therew's no reason to be
looking at an HTML parser anyways.


  • LeO

    LeO - 2004-08-27

    Logged In: YES

    Not as a solution, but as a workaround:

    Wouldn't it be possible to map the UNC to a drive? I guess,
    the problem will vanish.

  • Leo Sager

    Leo Sager - 2004-08-27

    Logged In: YES

    Mapping the UNC to a drive letter and then using the drive
    letter path to perl did not help this. The only thing that
    changed was the new path to perl was shown in the popup
    error box.

  • LeO

    LeO - 2004-10-01

    Logged In: YES

    Could you check if you have enough write-privileges on the
    UNC-path? If not => that's the reason of the Error!

  • LeO

    LeO - 2004-10-01
    • assigned_to: nobody --> leo_forge
  • Leo Sager

    Leo Sager - 2004-10-01

    Logged In: YES

    I do not have write permissions at the UNC Path in the perl
    directories (couldn't make a new file for example). It's
    strange you would need write permissions there.

  • LeO

    LeO - 2004-10-01

    Logged In: YES

    I guess it's not restricted to the UNC, it could happen

  • LeO

    LeO - 2004-10-01
    • assigned_to: leo_forge --> luelljoc
  • Leo Sager

    Leo Sager - 2004-10-01

    Logged In: YES

    So can it be worked on so you don't need write permission to
    the perl install directory to do a Source->Format with
    throwing an error?

  • LeO

    LeO - 2004-10-03

    Logged In: YES

    Could you check if you could access from your UNC-path to
    the local path of Eclipse?

    I personally do not any longer believe it is related with
    write-access issues. I guess more it's a Java-restriction. But
    wanna get sure.

    Also, what's not mentioned up till now: Perl itself works, ie.
    you could excute scripts? you could get also the perldoc?
    These two questions would help for a workaround.

    Additionally: If you would call manually on the UNC-path perl
    perltidy ... this works or not?

    A lot of question, but in order to provide a fix all should be
    answered ;)

  • Leo Sager

    Leo Sager - 2004-10-06

    Logged In: YES

    Perl itself works fine and there's no problem getting the perl
    doc or running scripts.

    If I call perl tidy on the command line as follows:

    IS FOUND> <Path to perltidy> <file to indent>

    Then I get the same error as I do when within eclipse.

    I didn't know what you meant by "Could you check if you
    could access from your UNC-path to the local path of
    Eclipse", so I didn't answer that.

    Hope this helps!

  • LeO

    LeO - 2004-10-06

    Logged In: YES

    My guess:

    Perl is executed on a (UNC)host. And from this host, where
    Perl is executed, it could not access to your host, namely
    where the is located. Therefore the question if you
    perform Perl and then make something like Ping to your host
    (or something equivalent) I highly guess, you cannot reach
    your localPC. Only one-way direction.

    I'm not THAT Perl-expert, so I don't know how to make
    something like Ping on THAT UNC-host. That's your task -
    sorry, but have no other options available.

    Other additional question: Is somewhere found that
    LeO2Leo ;)

  • LeO

    LeO - 2004-10-06
    • assigned_to: luelljoc --> leo_forge
  • Leo Sager

    Leo Sager - 2004-10-07

    Logged In: YES

    The perl process runs on my local box, not on the host
    machine of the UNC. is only found on my local PC in the installation of the
    plug in, there is no in the perl distribution at the UNC

    Things *are* getting formatted, so is running...

  • LeO

    LeO - 2004-10-08
    • assigned_to: leo_forge --> luelljoc
  • LeO

    LeO - 2004-10-08

    Logged In: YES

    HM', perhaps I missunderstand something:

    1) How is it possible that perl runs on your machine, when it is
    installed on the UNC-path? Or does this mean you have also
    local installation? But still, I do not get it, how this local Perl
    could be excecuted, when you specify a remote one.

    2) How do you come to the conclusion of your last paragraph?
    i.e. from where could you detect was running?

  • Leo Sager

    Leo Sager - 2004-10-11

    Logged In: YES

    Perl is installed on some file server (unc path). But when you
    execute it, it doesn't run on that file server, it runs on the
    computer where you are running it from (aka, the perl.exe is
    executing on my local machine).

    By examining the @INC path, I looked for and only
    the one in the plug in is found.

  • LeO

    LeO - 2004-10-12

    Logged In: YES

    Hm', I still have my doubts, buttttt.....

    How do you configure the perl Statement in the preferences?
    If I do it like "\\hostname\perldir\perl" I get an Error as
    well if I type it in the DOS-box

    '\\hostname\perldir\perl' is not recognized as an internal
    or external command, operable program or batch file.

    So, what's the magic trick to perform this statement as well
    in the DOS-box?

    BTW: Could you test the following script:

    use Sys::Hostname;
    print hostname();

    Is it the UNC-hostname or your localhost-name???


  • LeO

    LeO - 2004-10-12
    • assigned_to: luelljoc --> leo_forge
  • Leo Sager

    Leo Sager - 2004-10-12

    Logged In: YES

    In the preferences, perl is defined as:


    The hostname prints out as my hostname.

  • Jan Ploski

    Jan Ploski - 2006-08-04

    Logged In: YES

    Can you reproduce this bug in 0.4.x? If not, I vote for
    closing it as 'Out of Date'.

  • Oliver Trosien

    Oliver Trosien - 2016-07-01
    • Description has changed:


    --- old
    +++ new
    @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
     Using Eclipse 3.0 final version, and Eclipse plugin 0.3.0. 
     Windows XP platform.  
    • status: open --> closed-out-of-date
    • Group: --> v0.6.x

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