
#633 EPIC terminates the perl interpreter

Core (65)


Stable release of EPIC(0.5.46 version) terminates the perl interpreter when I want to run or debug a perl script.
I've upgraded the testing release of EPIC(0.6,40 version) but when i run or to debug perl script, an error was occured.
The error is:
"Fatal: failed to find source for"

What can I do to run or debug perl scripts?

Configuration is:
Win XP SP3
ActivePerl v5.12.4
Eclipse Indigo


  • Jan Ploski

    Jan Ploski - 2011-08-12

    Before launching the script EPIC searches for in each of the directories found in @INC path, which you cana output with

    foreach $t(@INC) {print $t."\n";}

    The interpreter type configured in Preferences (Standard or Cygwin) also plays a role for mapping paths. Maybe this will give you a clue why it is not finding the file. Possibly you can fix this yourself by moving files around or changing something in the environment.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    foreach my $t(@INC) {print $t."\n";}

    output is:
    I've looked to "C:\Perl\lib" folder and "" exists in "C:\Perl\lib" folder.

    I am using the ActivePerl so my interpreter type is "standard" Also I've changed it as Cygwin but now complains about "mount.exe"

    I've copied the "" file to folders mentioned above but still error exists. (Also to project folder)

    What can I do?

  • Jan Ploski

    Jan Ploski - 2011-08-12

    Interpreter type Standard is correct for ActivePerl, Cygwin is wrong.

    You can see the logic involved here (method patchPerl5Db):

    It seems that for some reason new File("C:/Perl/lib", "").exists() returns false on your machine. Maybe file permissions? Can the user under which Eclipse is running access the directory/file?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I've founded the problem. The problem is: Comodo Antivirus sends the perl files to sandbox before run. So "" and "" run at sandbox. Sandbox prevents to run these files properly. I've discard to run these perl files in sandbox now works normally.
    Stable release of EPIC terminates the perl interpreter with negative status cause is Sandbox again. I don't know other antivirus programs has sandbox behavior. It is good to indicate this behavior, If users of epic encounters this problem. Thanks for suggestions and respond.

  • Oliver Trosien

    Oliver Trosien - 2016-05-15
    • status: open --> closed-invalid
  • Oliver Trosien

    Oliver Trosien - 2016-05-15

    Close: Not an EPIC bug.


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