
dzo / News: Recent posts

dzo release of revision 1.2.0

This is release is using ivy for external dependencys. Added directive #ejb3include to fetch table-structure from annotated ejb3 entity beans. Needs a searchpath in property/argument ejb3IncludePath. Added licence information as reference data. Detect changes in passwords. Refactoring of postExecute to make it work with password changes. Fixed bug in index handling for MySql. Recreates a table in sql server when a identity-attribute is added (or removed) to a column. Moved the utility class for ejb3 entity bean code generation to package se.grunddata.dzo.ejb3. Maven-plugin now exists in mavens central repository.

Posted by Ulf Naslund 2009-12-07

Revision 1.0.0 of dzo is released

- At last I dared to step up to revision 1.0.0.
- Drop and recreate foreign keys, primary keys, index when
needed (for sqlserver when a column changes, for oracle when
a index that primary key is depending on is changed).
- Fixed bug when fetching metadata for columns for sqlserver.
- Add unique-constraint for oracle.
- Dont do "create table" when the table only exists implicitly (because there are reference-data or an index on the table).... read more

Posted by Ulf Naslund 2009-10-30

Revision 0.9.11 of Dzo is released

- Added annotations ejb3Extends to inherit from non-entity classes
and ejb3Implements to add interfaces to a entity class.
- Sort the different #sql-groups.
- Dont fail or abort in a convert that origins from database.
- Generate enum-constructor in interface only when there is a
constant that uses it (tom remove warnings).
- Change column-constants to enums instead of Strings.
- Added more Metadata information in interface.... read more

Posted by Ulf Naslund 2009-06-08

Revision 0.9.10 of dzo is released

Added a small java code-example in quick-reference. Ejb3 entity bean generation can create code which fills in relation on the non owning side of a relation. Handles changes of key-value in a OneToMany Map collection. Column names for entity beans is now in the interface.

The goal of dzo is to treat applications database objects the same way the applications source code is treated, with respect to development, revision control, and deployment. Dzo uses a text file that contains native create statements for all database objects and compares them against the actual database-schema. As a result, dzo creates the SQL statements needed to update the database schema (or you can let dzo execute the SQL statements directly). If your application lives in a Tomcat or JBoss container, dzo has a servlet that controls the deployment process, undeploys the old application, inspect and execute the needed database changes, and finally deploys the new application. Dzo currently works with MySQL and Oracle.

Posted by Ulf Naslund 2009-05-29

Revision 0.9.8 of Dzo is released

- Added quick-reference to jar-file, can be extracted from
- New annotation to control the datatype generated in ejb3-entity.
- Changed how ejb3-entitys is instantiated. Have a default-package
or need a package-reference.
- Added mysql-datatypes when generating ejb3-entitys.
- Added column-annotation ejb3DiscriminatorColumn for discriminator-
- Bug, @Annotate was not generated correct.
- Bug fixed when executing #sql-group.... read more

Posted by Ulf Naslund 2009-05-12