
DynaQ / News: Recent posts

Release again!

There's life in the old dog yet :) Still state of the art, we managed to have a new release: enjoy clustering and trend/topic timeline classification.

Posted by Christian Reuschling 2021-08-05

Release! - We are far from dead :)

First: Let me say THANK YOU for using DynaQ-we still working hard, making our searching engine more usable, stable, and even innovative!

Further, don't hesitate to post to the DynaQ mailing list in the case you have ANY questions- even if you are still 'one of the' firsts now. There are no stupid questions, we will answer as soon as possible!

Now to our current release:

- java webstart version with autoupdate facility (look at the download section of our dynaq website\)
- thumbnail generation for nearly all document formats with the help of OpenOffice
- 'picture mode' in result view enables better browsing in pictures/thumbnails
- first version of picture similarity (better versions soon)
- autocompletion for searching terms
- better performance (memory + cpu)
- enhanced data source configuration. Simply browse&click
- many, many small enhancements... read more

Posted by Christian Reuschling 2009-01-28


We are proud to present our first release!
Thinking it is stable enough, we hope that the application will keep this behaviour also at YOUR machine :)

Enjoy! I wish much fun with DynaQ - and as less frustration as possible!


Posted by Christian Reuschling 2008-02-15

Screenshots available

..the application will follow in a few days hopefully - we want to make a final polishing in order to finish release 1.0

Posted by Christian Reuschling 2008-01-17


Up to the current day, DynaQ is also available at
Thanks for accepting our project :)
Chris (author of dynaq)

Posted by Christian Reuschling 2007-08-30