
nk ibe

Deniable, anonymous public-private notification system

Try it directly on our website: http://dymy.sourceforge.net/

Please make sure you are safe and noone can follow your tracks

Try using the private session of your browser!

  • For even better security I recomment accessing this page using a proxy server.

  • Clear private data of your browser afterwards!

  • This page makes use of javascript to enhance your privacy (e.g. make it harder for keyloggers). The page uses the jQuery Keypad plugin.

  • Please us the keypad which opens on every field to enter your data for additional security. Thanks Keith for this great software.
    You can open this virtual keypad by clicking on the icon.

  • If you are at an internet cafe the internetprovider might be using a proxy of his own and might be able to track all you are doing! Even at work and at home: Is your system using a proxy where data is saved / logged? Try using a https connection toi this website!

How it works

First things first: All entries to the database are encrypted. A 'salt' is used (set by the provider of this service, if you set a code, this code will also be used for encryption.
All messages are public!

You enter your message as usual. The receipient has to access this page to read your message. That's it basically - but that's not all.

There is no formating of the message possible! The only formating you can do is a linebreak (simply press the enter key in the message field).

You can enter your name - better a pseudonym/alias - (=sender) which the receipient knows as well. The receipient can then search this/the output page for this entry to quickly find yours. You can also enter the receipients name (again: better a pseudonym/alias) for the same reason.

Every output so far is public! The output is written right on a page everyone can access (keep your dirty mind to yourself!).

New entries are also attached to the bottom of the output.
This does not mean, that the oldes ones are on top: If an older entry should expire after 12 hours hours, but a newer after 30 minutes the newer will be at the bottom first, but then the older will stay, while the newser is being removed (due to it's expiration). The old entry stays.
To keep in mind

I recommend, that you do not post private data in (public) messages, this means email addresses, phone numbers, birth dates etc. Also it's not very anonymous if you post your real name.
Let the privacy begin ... all messages can be private!

At this moment the code comes into the game: Once you enter your message and a code the message will be private! The only way to access this message now it to enter the exact code - but no message. This will search the database for this code and display the message which goes along with the code (if the code occurs more than once all entries where it appears will be shown). Also sender and receipient must match when you enter a code (of course - they can be empty as well).
In other words: If you specify code (and no message) the database will be searched for data that matches this code. Only the matches will be displayed.
You can also add sender and/or receipient. If so, code will be checked, but only those matches will be shown that also have matching sender / receipient data. If sender / receipient are not given, the private message must not have them (to be displayed)!

The sender and receipient are not only to help you find your message quickly (somone could enter sender and message, but no code - so the message would be public) but to quickly find messages for you.
Also this makes it possible to have a code more than once and still find the correct message. Otherwise codes would need to be unique.

Remember: A message is only private if you enter a code!
Additional security: expiration date / time

A message that has expired will be deleted/destroyed from the database completely!

The maximum time a message is kept is 1440 minutes (24 hours) after posting.

You can set a different expiration for your message using a simple drop down menu. It's possible to set 15 minutes to 12 hours manually as well as "after first view". In the latter case the message will be displayed exactly one time and then deleted - it's not even possible to refresh the browser, the message will be gone. To be precise: The message will be read from the database, deleted and then displayed.

For even futher security, the reader/receipient of the message can tag it as "destroy". This will expire/delete/destroy the message after clicking the specific button. Please expire/delete/destroy messages only of they are actually for you!

In general you can probably assume, that a shorter expiration date is more secure. Keep in mind, that your receipient might not even have read the message (if expiration time is set to short). There is no way to see if your message received it's receipient!
Be advised, that, if you post a message without a code, this message might be immediately deleted, if you set the message to expire after/with the first view (the message is shown in the public view, and by this, it will expire!).

There will be no timestamp shown with the messages! This makes it impossible to see when the message was written (which could be important).
Output as images

After you press the 'send/receive' button, one or more messages will be displayed. Since there is a chance, that the text of a webpage is saved in the history of the browser as well, this might not be what you want. By choosing 'image' the messages and all output data will be displayed as images. Remember: To prevent saving of theses images in the browsers cache you should then click the 'clear images' button somewhere on the output page! This will reload the page, but show only empty images / images with random characters. Your browser should replace the saved/cached images with these as their names will be the same.

Create your private, anonymous, deniable message


Field 'Sender' makes it possible for your receipient to search the result page for this value.


Field 'Receipient' makes it possible for your receipient to search the result page for this value.

Code (makes your message private / shows a message with this code)

If you enter this and a message text, this text will be private! It will be displayed only if someone enters this code again - with no message. In this case sender and seceipient will also be checked for matches in this case. It is possible however to enter a) code only. This will search for the code and display all entries that have this code. b) code and sender. This will search for the code from the specified sender and display all messages that meet the criteria or c) code, sender and receipient. This will display messages which have this code, are from this sender to this receipient.
If someone enters the same code and a message this message will be added as a new entry to the database - yours will not be overwritten!


A new entry in the database will be created if you enter a message. If you do not enter a message (but you enter a code (maybe with sender and receipient)), you will see one or more private message(s) ... if it/they (still) exists.


If the message is to be displayed (public, or if private critera is met) it will be checked first if it has already expired. If the message is expired, it will be deleted and not displayed at all!
Output only options

Display as - not yet implemented

How should the messages be displayed? As text (searchable, but maybe saved in the browsers cache) or images, not searchable, browser cache should be overwritten: To prevent saving of theses images in the browsers cache you should then click the 'clear images' button somewhere on the output page! This will reload the page, but show only empty images / images with random characters. Your browser should replace the saved/cached images with these as their names will be the same.


0.91 implements a simple captcha to prevent spam
0.90 initial version