Activity for dx ACE

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Hi, I'm still on Windows 7 so :) The utility is independent of vJoy, the vJoy route is only needed if the game doesn't directly support the utility or some of it's features as getting raw output from the game, as newer codemasters games for example. Dakar 18 being one that wont load it since it directly loads the dll from the system path so only using vJoy. The only thing is that I think I removed forced ffb detection in v0.12, have to check it and might re-implement it if it's the case as I wasn't...

  • Paul Cohen Paul Cohen modified a comment on discussion Help and support

    Is Vjoy really required? I've had issues with that in the past, and it can cause problems with the controller not being recognised by other games on Win 11, even if you can get it installed on win 11. I forgot to mention I was using the previous dx ACE v0.11.0 bin release, not the beta, due to previous issues with vjoy. A lot of people have issues getting vjoy installed on win 11, as the vjoy project is dead and the only way to get it to work on Win 11 is to use a forked version: see

  • Paul Cohen Paul Cohen modified a comment on discussion Help and support

    Is Vjoy really required? I've had issues with that in the past, and it can cause problems with the controller not being recognised by other games on Win 11, even if you can get it installed on win 11. I forgot to mention I was using the previous dx ACE v0.11.0 bin release, not the beta, due to previous issues with vjoy. A lot of people have issues getting vjoy installed on win 11, as the vjoy project is dead and the only way to get it to work on Win 11 is to use a forked version: see

  • Paul Cohen Paul Cohen modified a comment on discussion Help and support

    Is Vjoy really required? I've had issues with that in the past, and it can cause problems with the controller not being recognised by other games on Win 11, even if you can get it installed on win 11. I forgot to mention I was using the previous dx ACE v0.11.0 bin release, not the beta, due to previous issues with vjoy. A lot of people have issues getting vjoy installed on win 11, as the vjoy project is dead and the only way to get it to work on Win 11 is to use a forked version: see

  • Paul Cohen Paul Cohen modified a comment on discussion Help and support

    Is Vjoy really required? I've had issues with that in the past, and it can cause problems with the controller not being recognised by other games on Win 11. I forgot to mention I was using the previous dx ACE v0.11.0 bin release, not the beta, due to previous issues with vjoy. A lot of people do it seems, as the vjoy project is dead and the only way to get it to work on Win 11 is to use a forked version: see I'll take a look at the new version though. However,...

  • Paul Cohen Paul Cohen modified a comment on discussion Help and support

    Is Vjoy really required? I've had issues with that in the past, and it can cause problems with the controller not being recognised by other games on Win 11. I forgot to mention I was using the previous dx ACE v0.11.0 bin release, not the beta, due to previous issues with vjoy. I'll take a look at the new version though.

  • Paul Cohen Paul Cohen modified a comment on discussion Help and support


  • Paul Cohen Paul Cohen posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Is Vjoy really required? I've had issues with that in the past, and it can cause problems with the controller not being recognised by other games on Win 11.

  • Paul Cohen Paul Cohen posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Is Vjoy really required? I've had issues with that in the past, and it can cause problems with the controller not being recognised by other games on Win 11.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Aok, I'll give that a try. Thanks!

  • Dwayne Dwayne modified a comment on discussion Help and support

    Hi Paul, Beta version many bugs :p Some things got lost in translation or incorrectly coded from my previous code in c++ to Lazarus-pascal. Latest full 0.12 have many fixes but some bugs might still exist. Hopefully it's functional in most of the functions :) Rumble/ffb should be fully functional with vjoy now if properly set, if no late bugs were introduced :p, so you might get extended effects (first disable trigger vibration as it might interfere with game ffb effects then try with trigger effect...

  • Dwayne Dwayne posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Hi Paul, Beta version many bugs :p Some things got lost in translation or incorrectly coded from my previous code in c++ to Lazarus-pascal. Latest full 0.12 have many fixes but some bugs might still exist. Hopefully it's functional in most of the functions :) Rumble/ffb should be fully functional with vjoy now if properly set, if no late bugs were introduced :p, so you might get extended effects (first disable trigger vibration as it might interfere with game ffb effects then try with trigger effect...

  • dx ACE dx ACE updated /readme.txt

  • dx ACE dx ACE released /dx ace

  • Paul Cohen Paul Cohen posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Hi, Thanks for the project, great idea! I’ve got it working partly with AMS2 and an Xbox One gamepad (XInput), but it’s not 100% and hoping you could give me some tips. What works: I used the Project Cars preset and instructions, but just changed to gamepad from wheel, and also AMS2 needs xinput1_3.dll not the one specified. XInput is disabled, so the dinput emulation is working ok. The button vibration works, and so does the brake/throttle trigger vibration. That helps make AMS2 better, as it’s...

  • dx ACE dx ACE released /readme.txt

  • dx ACE dx ACE released /readme.txt

  • dx ACE dx ACE released /dx ace v0.12

  • dx ACE dx ACE updated /source/dx ace v0.12 beta

  • dx ACE dx ACE released /readme.txt

  • dx ACE dx ACE updated /source/readme.txt

  • dx ACE dx ACE released /source/readme.txt

  • dx ACE dx ACE released /source/dx ace v0.12 beta

  • dx ACE dx ACE released /dx ace v0.12

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Maybe you have more than one dinput device. But if it beeps it's working ;) If it's the case you have to do a log and manually check it and see what device you want to filter, then set the GUID of the device in the editor or ini file (see readme for more details). It worked fine with my old Logitech Driving Force GT but this wheel have integrated pedals so it's one and same device. Dwayne p.s. I'm doing a full code conversion to Lazarus pascal so it's easier for me to develop and debug instead of...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    I've used this program and it works well with my xinput devices, but it is not working with my Logitech wheel. Every game i try it on beeps, but the settings aren't applied. Any ideas? thanks!

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Hi, Sorry for late reply xD Hope you still read this, if not maybe it can be useful for others so here's a possible solution: Since it beeps there's a big chance that they're still using dinput 9_1_0 API but since I don't have the game I can't check it. So first enable the console and check if some inputs work (see the readme but it's basically enabling the console in the editor with dpinput io checked ( do it in the editor before launching the game in windowed mode so you can check the console while...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    I tried the 1_3 and the 9_1_0. However, both of them sound the beep but do not work ingame, the wheel moviment are not reconized :(

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    The game is Asseto Corsa Competizione

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    I hear the bleep when the game starts but the Dx settings do not apply in the game. I have a Ferrari 458 Racing Wheel(xbox 360). The game recognizes the steering wheel, but the dx configs are not applied, even with the bleep sound when starting the game. I upload the log files and the .ini I let 38 of deadzone to test if the settings apply to the game.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    I managed to make the Ferrari 458 without FFB work in Project Cars 2, I'm attaching the .ini so that the steering wheel can be recognized. Before, only the pedals worked. The secret is to enable "copyLXtoRX=1".

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    I couldn't assign any keys on my steering wheel to the game. It's like the game doesn't recognize the wheel when I use dx Ace Editor. What i do ?

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Hi Fake Name, I still don't have a capable GPU for testing newer games (using an old intel igpu) so I didn't bought and tested F1 2020. Latest games I tested/played from Codemasters were Dirt 4 and F1 2017 so I don't know if they changed something in F1 2020 but I doubt it. Very probable that it's the same thing. So if you installed vJoy and have a feeder for it the only thing that u might need to do is to disable the steering axis under xinput (point 5) since the game might give priority to the...

  • Fake Name Fake Name posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Replying in hopes that gets your attention.. its an old thread I know. I'm trying to remove the steering limitations for F1 2020, those instructions didn't work

  • Fake Name Fake Name posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Hey, this is old, but That didn't work. I'm trying to get this game to utilize raw input from Vjoy. You said you had something unreleased for this? That would be much appreciated thanks

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    I, As I stated in another thread (check them) newer codemaster games (and other games like Dakar 18 for example) don't work with the current version. As I explained I did a new version that is working perfectly but that I still didn't release for several reasons, mainly that it gives me a couple of annoying error messages when using the vjoy method. It doesn't affect in any way it's functionality but it's annoying nevertheless xD It's a vJoy bug and I can solve it but I would need to recode the way...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    I am trying to get this to work with f1 2020, I have tried the f1 2017 and dirt rally read mes instructions but it just doesnt work, the log says device faked but the input is still definitely controller input and the speed sensitivity is still there. If anyone has got it working in f1 2020 can you share how to do it/ your settings

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Hello, I'm on Windows 7 so no Forza for me :p (I have W10 too that I installed on some hdd when I got a free upgrade but I still prefer W7...). Anyway, the problem might be that Forza is installed in some M$ store folder? If so the folder might be protected and u can't copy anything in it? If it's the case I'm not sure u can do anything but I did a quick web search and found this topic:

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Hello Sir, I am about to purchase some need for Speed as My Forza horizon 4 is not Supporting your editor, If you can help me with it. It not actually not allowing me to paste your editor in it. If you can solve my Issue with FH4 I will be thankful, otherwise I has to buy NFS and I don't know If it is supported too or not. Thanks Sir. And I have MS Wireless Force Feedback Wheel.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Tomazo, There's no setting to adjust the strength in-game? Strange. Some time I don't check pc1 but I seem to remember that it had a ton of (obscures) ffb settings xD But it might be easier anyway using this utility since u can rapidly make any change and immediately test it on track (if I remember correctly u couldn't make any change while in track, not sure :p) Anyway, to filter the ffb using this utility u have to select an effect to filter in the editor. Usually it's the constant force but...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Dwayne, I'm trying to get my old Microsoft Sidewinder Precision Racing Wheel to feel lighter when steering in Project Cars 1 and have been trying a ton of different settings in game. The wheel works great in F1 2014 and wheel weight and FFB are simple to adjust but no luck so far with Project Cars so I'm going to have a go with dx ACE today... Are there any settings in the you would recommend I look at to get the wheel weight to feel lighter and more responsive? Thanks & cheers! Tomazo

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Oops! Didn't check this more than a year old post. Sorry :( You probably won't read the answer but here it goes as other users might encounter the same problem: Long time since I played DR2 and I'm not sure but I seem to recall that I had the same problem and then fixed it. So can't remember exactly what was the problem but it's not important as even fixed it won't do much by itself since Codemasters has changed it's code and now gives the same crappy heavy steering filtering for all xinput devices...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    If you tested it and got no input lag (immediate response from your device) then u probably already have raw input :p Anyway, aside the instructions from the readme.txt, there's the presets folders where you can test the one that fits your device. In your case try the x360 preset for pcars2 as it should work for any xinput device. But... it seems that there's a new trend in newer games, like the ones from codemasters (Dirt (Rally), F1...), or the very nice game DAKAR 18 in that they don't use the...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Hello, I want to use this program to convert my xinput wheel to dinput so it's not recognized as a controller and can be configured as a wheel (project cars 2). Because my xinput device is a racing wheel, I do not want any special effects/deadzone/filtering/etc. I only want the raw data converted from xinput to dinput. Are the default values from the root INI file essentially this? Or do I need to go to Axis > Filter > and uncheck all? I am not using the pcars preset, as I understand it's for a gamepad,...

  • Mike L Mike L posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Hi Dwayne, it seems the issue resolved itself after some messing around, the left lower paddle was eventually recognized as RZ. I use this particular wheel since I am disabled and can't use foot pedals. Everything seems to be working fine now and without that annoying steering dead zone. Thanks for the great program!

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Hi, You don't use a pedal for braking? Cause if you brake using a paddle on the wheel I don't see why it isn't detected since it should be the same device. Try to do a log and see which axes and buttons are detected (check the readme for instructions - in short: file log and level 2 if I'm not mistaken, before launching the game),. Any doubt upload the log somewhere or post it and I'll try to see what can be the problem. Cheers, Dwayne

  • Mike L Mike L posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Hi all, I'm using this program along with my Simraceway SRW-S1 wheel on Project Cars 2 in order to get rid of the steering dead zone issue. It has succeeded in doing so, but I have a separate problem. Neither the program nor the game is recognizing the brake axis (the left lower paddle on this wheel). All other axes (including the throttle/right lower paddle which is assigned to S0) and buttons work. Any way to get the program to recognize this axis? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    U can open the dxa console but no beep when launching the game? Strange xD If u have only one gaming device connected u sohuldn't need to use the device guid and leave it in auto. To see what's going on with the inputs from ur wheel enable the console in dxa options and launch the game in windowed mode (so u can see the console while playing). Dwayne

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Enable the dxa console in options and launch the game (pcars2?) in windowed mode. See if u see an axe changing value when turning ur wheel. If so it should work ok in game. Otherwise maybe the pedals are a different device and u should filter only ur wheel by it's guid (see readme) Dwayne

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    nvm, I used durazno and it worked with it. thanks anyway and stay safe.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    I got the guid from the log file, the one for the wheel, and added it as specified in the readme. Still no luck.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Hi, I need help with this. The program seem to be fine as i don't get any xinput errors, but i don't get a beep when i start pccars. I can open the console in game if i tick the option though. What i want is to get rid of the deadzone and no matter what i put in the editor the deadzone stays there. One of the things i don't get is where to obtain the right device guid and where to put it in the ini file. Any help appreciated, thanks.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Well, still seem to have the wheel completely unresponsive to steering changes, so I'm guessing I've done something wrong here. Also found it was registering it as being "14" instead of zero when the wheel was at top dead center :/ Re-copy all files and steps and it seems I'm back to having no pedals support. Probably just best to abandon this wheel.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Ignore this, rebooting the wheel seemed to do the trick (had unplugged the pedals, but I guess that wasn't enough).

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Im using the app to get the game to remove the deadzone from this wheel (deadzone in the sense that it wouldn't turn at all in game but would rognize the pedals and other controller inputs). Unsure of how to fix this I've turned here. I've copied files as instructed by the readme. I launched the editor and made sure that input was turned off and reset the one curve. I hear two chimes from windows when the game launches, and am able to calibrate the wheel's rotation. However, I now cannot set a keybind...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    If it beeps on launch the game as loaded the dlls so it might be some setting that is incorrectly set To check what's going on try this: set the log level to dinput io and enable the console. Launch the game go to options and set it to windowed mode with a lower res than your desktop, so you can watch the console while running the game (unless you have two screens then move it to the other screen). Relaunch the the game and see if your inputs changes in the console when you turn your wheel, press...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Hi, I’ve been messing with this for literal days now and cannot for the life of me get this program to work. It dings twice upon game launch as intended. I used the xbox 360 preset for my MS xbox 360 wheel and I am unable to map anything. It totally does not detect the wheel anymore IN GAME, but still works fine in windows. I did exactly as both instructions said, and put the dlls and required files into the folder. Disabled xinput, faked the d input. Made sure all buttons worked in the axes, and...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    So DiRT Rally 2.0 is simply crashes for me if I try to use dx ACE. (For DiRT 4 it works perfectly!) I attached the error message. Please help if you can to find a way to fix this!

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Does anyone able to use dx ACE in DiRT Rally 2.0 ? For me it just crash the game upon launch. :( (For DiRT 4 it works fine)

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Rename the xinput1_3.dll to xinput9_1_0.dll (in game folder). In the editor options select xinput9_1_0.dll (for pc2).

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Can anyone help me I copied the dx ace.ini file to project cars 2 but it's not letting me test the wheel in the dx editor it keeps saying xinput9_1_0.dll is invalid/not found. I see where you guys keep saying to change the xinput1_3.dll to xinput9_1_0.dll is that in the editor or in the dx aCE ini file. Can anyone screenshot there setup so I can see how to set my 458 italia 360 version up. Any help is appreciated!

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Just a quick update, I rechecked the log you posted and saw that you are not faking the device, and probably also not disabling xinput, so the game is detecting your wheel as a gamepad under xinput. So if your objective is that the game detects your wheel... as wheel ;) make sure that both this options are enabled in the editor. Also if your wheel has rumble effects or FFB enable the fake FFB support. Choose to filter constant force and in preset if your wheel as only rumble effects select the gamepad...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Hi, Test input/output only works if the 64 bits dlls are present since the editor is 64 bits. If you rename the xinput dll (as needed for pcars 2 in case of a xinput device) make sure that in the editor options the xinput dll is selected accordingly (in case of pcars1 xinput1_3 and for pcars2 xinput9_1_0 (Editor menu->Options->Xinput dll). Now regarding the issue with the game not detecting the steering you can enable the console in the editor, in log select dinput IO and run the game in windowed...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    file 1

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Hi, I am having issues getting an xbox 360 wheel to work, i have downloaded version 11.0 and followed instructions to the letter, i am using the files from the preset examples folder and those plus dx ACE . ini are in the game folder. When opening dx ACE editor, when i press "test input\output" a window shows "fail to load xinput1_3.dll", even when xinput dll is set to xinput9_1_0.dll and according to instructions i have renamed xinput1_3 to xinput9_1_0 (I'm using Project Cars 2). I don't know why...

  • dx ACE dx ACE released /source/dx ACE v0.11.0

  • dx ACE dx ACE released /dx ACE v0.11.0

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Hi, I finally tested it under W10 and it worked fine, except for the "fake" FFB function. Seems that MS updated their dinput driver for that OS (for xbox controllers/wheels) and, contrary to W7, the driver doesn't report any FFB effect when asking to enum them, which is expected, as MS doesn't give support for rumble/FFB effects under dinput, but in W7 it was reporting all of them anyway so I didn't bother to fully fake it :) So I don't see why you can't get it to work, as the fake/emulated FFB feature...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Enable the file log (or the console) and see if any file is created or if the console opens. If so it means the utility loaded correctly and the problem is elsewhere, in which case a detailed log would be needed. If no file is created I don't see what it can be as long as you copied the correct dlls. I never tested it under W10 but it should work equally well as in W7. I'll see if I can test it under that OS and see how it goes. Cheers Dwayne

  • Anonymous modified a comment on discussion Help and support

    I cannot find any good reason for this application to not work. I have tried version 0.10.2, 0.9.1, 0.8.0 with no success and don’t know what I can do next. Sent from Mail for Windows 10

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    I cannot find any good reason for this application to not work. I have tries version 0.10.2, 0.9.1, 0.8.0 with no success and don’t know what I can do next. Sent from Mail for Windows 10

  • dx ACE dx ACE released /dx ACE v0.10.2

  • dx ACE dx ACE released /dx ACE v0.10.2

  • dx ACE dx ACE released /dx ACE v0.10.2

  • dx ACE dx ACE released /source/dx ACE v0.10.1

  • dx ACE dx ACE released /dx ACE v0.10.1

  • dx ACE dx ACE released /source/dx ACE v0.10.0

  • dx ACE dx ACE released /dx ACE v0.10.0

  • dx ACE dx ACE released /source/dx ACE v0.9.1

  • dx ACE dx ACE released /dx ACE v0.9.1

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Not sure I understand what you mean but if your wheel have FFB it will have FFB for the API that the driver supports. But... usually MS wheels (and alikes) don't have FFB for dinput, so if you force the game to use that API you will not have FFB as the MS driver doesn't have it implemented. For wheels that support FFB under dinput it will have FFB as the utility doesn't interfere with the FFB (unless it's disabled in the editor options). For Project Cars (1&2) the reason to force it to use dinput...

  • dx ACE dx ACE released /dx ACE v0.9.0.1

  • dx ACE dx ACE released /dx ACE v0.9.0.1

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Will this make the Xbox 360 wireless wheel give force feedback on PC?

  • dx ACE dx ACE released /source/dx ACE v0.9.0

  • dx ACE dx ACE released /dx ACE v0.9.0

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    Sorry for the year late reply :/ (comments needed aproval and I didn't login since last release a year ago so I didn't read your question). But for anyone that might encounter similar trouble: Change only the USB port if you have another device/controller connected so the utility knows which one to filter, and this setting is for xinput API only. The GUID is for the same purpose but for the dinput API. If you have only one device connected it should be automatic. If you don't get any input, enable...

  • Dwayne Dwayne modified a comment on discussion Help and support

    First make sure that the utility is working. A beep should be played when launching the game. If you're unsure, enable the file log or the console - editor->menu->settings - and see if a log file is created or if the console is open. If it is then it's running fine, if not you might have the wrong dlls installed. If it's only the deadzone you want to get rid of you just need the xinput1_3.dll. Make sure that "Disable xinput" is not checked in the editor before running the game. I had a bug with negative...

  • Dwayne Dwayne posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    First make sure that the utility is working. A beep should be played when launching the game. If you're unsure, enable the file log or the consol, in the editor menu settings, and see if a log is created or the console is working. If it is then it's running fine. If it's only the deadzone you want to get rid of you just need the xinput1_3.dll. Make sure that "Disable xinput" is not checked in the editor before running the game. I had a bug with negative deadzone in some version but it were corrected...

  • dx ACE dx ACE released /dx ACE v0.8.0

  • dx ACE dx ACE released /dx ACE v0.8.0

  • dx ACE dx ACE released /dx ACE v0.8.0

  • dx ACE dx ACE released /dx ACE v0.8.0

  • dx ACE dx ACE released /source/dx ACE v0.8.0

  • dx ACE dx ACE released /dx ACE v0.8.0

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    I'm not able to see the deadzone (actually anti-deadzone since I'm using negative...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion Help and support

    I have a Ferrari 458 non-ffb wheel. I've put the x64 files into the PCars steam game...

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