
PS transfer of data

  • Vincent Doucet

    Vincent Doucet - 2021-11-08

    Hi, I'm having an issue on my main flowsheet that is summarized in the attached simulation.
    I enter a flow of water at 298.15 K / 101325 Pa in the Python block and try to transfer the same to the output. Output temp and pressure are "hard coded" but they are the same as the input.
    For an unexpected reason the output stream is 775 K above the input ?!? 1073.15 K while I'm forcing it to a certain temperature.
    Any thought on what I'm doing wrong?

  • Luca Finardi

    Luca Finardi - 2021-11-11


    try inserting

    virtuel_hum_out.CalcEquilibrium("PT", None)

    before virtuel_hum_out.Calculate().
    This should fix the problem.

    • Vincent Doucet

      Vincent Doucet - 2021-11-30

      Thank you Luca for the advice. It did indeed fix the problem.
      Thanks again,

  • Daniel Medeiros

    Daniel Medeiros - 2021-11-30

    Calculate() should suffice but, in this case, there is only one compound in the mixture (mole frac = 1) so DWSIM needs the enthalpy to calculate the equilibrium state. In your case, it tried to calculate a PH flash with H = 0 (because you didn't set it), that's why the calculated temperature was so high.


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