
Error message in Electrolysis

Alba Baute
  • Alba Baute

    Alba Baute - 2016-07-25

    Hello I'm Alba, I have written in other ocassion. I have a problem in the simulation.
    I'm working in a university proyect´s about salt electrolysis. (2NaCl + 2H2O <-> 2NaOH + Cl2 + H2)
    I have a error message in the point number 4 (Miscellanea). Show me these: " Definition file: the file does not exist or has been removed from its original location" What is the meaning of this?

    Thank you very much.

  • Alba Baute

    Alba Baute - 2016-07-27

    I have another problem. When I active the simulation, this is blocked and I don´t understand.
    Could you explain me why the outlet temperature is the input + dT ?
    I'm working whit my university proyect and I would like to know , what makes Calculation of waste heat
    from the example of electrolysis to apply to my case? as I have explain in my project all calculations I do in the simulator.

    Thank, and I'm sorry if I'm a little heavy but the project has me nervous

  • Daniel Medeiros

    Daniel Medeiros - 2016-07-27

    Hi Alba,

    We are having difficulties on understanding what exactly are you trying to do. Maybe if you explain what your project requires we can help you better.

    What is your main spoken language?

    You don't seem to understand how a simulator (or DWSIM) works, did you take a look at the tutorials available elsewhere?

    The simulator will only help you if you have a clear picture of how your real-life process looks like.


    • Alba Baute

      Alba Baute - 2016-07-29

      My main language is Spanish. I 'm from the Canary Islands, Spain. I´m sorry for my bad English.

      I´m doing my university project for a private company. I have to simulate the electrolysis of a bipolar membrane electrolyzer, which produce chlorine gas (Cl2), sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and hydrogen gas (H2) from the electrochemical decomposition of an aqueous solution of sodium chloride (NaCl) and the electrochemical decomposition of water through the passage of electric power in the form of direct current.
      2 NaCI + 2 H2O = 2 NaOH + Cl2 (gas) + H2O (gas)

      This general reaction can be subdivided into the following reactions which occur in some cathode (equations [2] and [3]) and another at the anode (equation [4]):

      2 H2O + 2 e-= H2 ( g ) + 2 OH- [ 2 ]
      2 Na+ + 2 OH- = 2 NaOH [ 3 ]
      2 Cl- = Cl2 (gas) + 2 e- [ 4 ]

  • Alba Baute

    Alba Baute - 2016-07-29

    There are two feed streams . Stream 1 enters brine and water and stream 2 enters soda and water. There are two output streams. By the anolyte leaves depleted brine , water and chlorine. And the catholyte out soda , water and hydrogen

  • Alba Baute

    Alba Baute - 2016-08-01

    I have this error message: "catolito: PH Flash [Electrolyte]: Invalid result: Temperature did not converge." and I don´t know what it means. Can you tell me a way to solve it?

  • Daniel Medeiros

    Daniel Medeiros - 2016-08-01

    Could you attach your simulation file?

    • Alba Baute

      Alba Baute - 2016-08-02

      Here I attached my two simulation files

  • Daniel Medeiros

    Daniel Medeiros - 2016-08-02

    Hi Alba,

    You just need to consider that NaOH and NaCl are strong electrolytes and DWSIM works better when you consider them totally dissociated in the aqueous solution. I've added the ions to the simulation and disabled chemical equilibria calculation because you can assume that they will always be fully dissociated. You only need now to adjust the mass balance, I don't understand very well what you're trying to calculate.

    Remember that the amount of NaCl in the inlet streams is equal to the sum of the moles of the Na+ and Cl- ions, the same is true for NaOH (= Na+ + OH-).



    Last edit: Daniel Medeiros 2016-08-02
  • Daniel Medeiros

    Daniel Medeiros - 2016-08-02

    I've asked about your native language because I can understand Spanish, if you feel more comfortable writing on it. Sorry If I've seemed too rude. :-)


    • Alba Baute

      Alba Baute - 2016-08-03

      Tranquilo, no me parece nada grosero. La verdad que estoy más cómoda hablando es español, ya que mi inglés no es muy bueno.
      Yo lo que quiero hacer es simular la electrolisis de salmuera de un electrolizador de membrana, que ya esta funcionando, para posibles cambios que se le puedan hacer en un futuro.

  • Daniel Medeiros

    Daniel Medeiros - 2016-08-03

    Entendi. Você conseguiu baixar os arquivos que eu atualizei e anexei na mensagem anterior?

    • Alba Baute

      Alba Baute - 2016-08-03

      Sí me pude descargar los archivos, pero tengo algunas dudas. Ahora no tendria ni entrada ni salida de NaCl y NaOH sino de sus iones Na+, Cl- y OH-? Yo es que por ejemplo tengo una entrada de 300g/l de NaCl al anolito, ahora esta la tendria que dividir en Na+ y Cl-?

  • Daniel Medeiros

    Daniel Medeiros - 2016-08-03

    Correto, isso mesmo.

  • Maressa

    Maressa - 2024-09-19

    Hola Alba ¿tienes este archivo en la última actualización de software? Estoy haciendo un trabajo similar, pero tengo dificultades con la simulación.


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