
Import Compound from Thermo/Chemicals

  • Alexander Heredia Pardo

    Good morning, can someone explain to me how to import compounds from Thermo/Chemicals? I already have their respective libraries installed in Python, but when I try to import a product like zinc chloride, I get an error that says 'Could not find Python DLL in the defined Python path.' I've tried changing the Python DLL directory in the configuration, but I still keep getting this error.

    • Daniel Medeiros

      Daniel Medeiros - 2023-09-08

      You need to select the path where python3.dll is located, then DWSIM will do the rest. Make sure to have a working Python 3.7-3.9 64-bit environment on your computer.



      Last edit: Daniel Medeiros 2023-09-08
      • Luis Carlos Juárez Martínez

        Hello Daniel, I am trying to add Thermo Python to DWSIM, but when I paste the path where python 3.8 is installed, there is an error message that says "Please Define The path to a valid python 3.7-3.9". I am not sure if I am doing the correct process to add the path, could you help me?

        In the pictrues attached, you can see both the path for python 3.8 on my computer and the error message displayed when I paste the path.

        Thank you in advance,

    • Luis Carlos Juárez Martínez

      Hello alexander, could you set the Python DLL directory?


  • Alexander Heredia Pardo

    Thank you, Daniel. I've got the thermo and chemicals databases working now.

    I have another issue, and I'm not sure if there's a way to solve it. I want to simulate the ionization of a zinc chloride solution. Zinc chloride is in the thermo and chemicals databases, and the chloride ions are in the program's original database. However, I can't find the zinc ions in either of the databases to complete my simulation. I've tried using the 'import from online sources' method, and even though I can find it, when I try to import the zinc ion into my simulation, it gives me an error and doesn't complete the import. Is there any other way to add this ion to my simulation?

  • Daniel Medeiros

    Daniel Medeiros - 2023-09-11

    Go to File > Compound Creator Wizard and create a new Electrolyte compound.

  • Frederic Honnart

    Dear Daniel,
    I get the same problem as Alexander: 'Could not find Python DLL in the defined Python path.'
    I have checked PATH environment variables where python3.dll is. That is fine.
    I have Python 3.12.- 64 bits.
    Nevertheless after restarting DWSIM, I still get the error.
    Certainly I miss something here, but I do not know what.
    Thank you


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