
Title chapters- add extra AFTER another Title has been added

  • fasdf. .bzvfv

    fasdf. .bzvfv - 2014-01-23

    How can a Title chapter be added quickly AFTER Titles have been?


    Title 1
    Title 1 chapter 2
    Title 1 chapter 3

    Title 2
    Title 2 chapter 2
    Title 2 chapter 3

    Title 3
    Title 3 chapter 2
    Title 3 chapter 3

    I now want to add an additional chapter to Title 2.

    Background- my DVD's always have a lot of titles and chapters and it takes a long time to MOVE-Left (or Right) the new Title with it's chapters.

    I can add the Chapter to the Title directly editing the DVD Styler .DVDS but simply don't trust my ability to "program" at that level.

    Any ideas?


    Last edit: fasdf. .bzvfv 2014-01-23
    • ecodrv

      ecodrv - 2014-01-24

      I am Japanese and my English is not very good.

      DVDStyler ChangeLog says:
      Version 2.0 <2011-10-23>
      * added possibility to change order of titles and menus per drag and drop

      • fasdf. .bzvfv

        fasdf. .bzvfv - 2014-01-24

        No idea what that means. Thanks for the effort.


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